Message boards :
RALPH@home bug list :
Bug reports for Ralph 5.25
(Message 1902)
Posted 24 Jul 2006 by bt1228 Post: What's the difference between Rosetta 5.25 and Ralph's Rosetta_Beta 5.25 ? --- bt |
Message boards :
RALPH@home bug list :
Bug reports for Ralph 5.24
(Message 1847)
Posted 19 Jun 2006 by bt1228 Post: I just received this error: 2006-Jun-19 7:34:43 pm|ralph@home|Requesting 366120 seconds of new work 2006-Jun-19 7:34:48 pm|ralph@home|Scheduler request succeeded 2006-Jun-19 7:34:48 pm|ralph@home|Message from server: No work sent 2006-Jun-19 7:34:48 pm|ralph@home|Message from server: (reached daily quota of 1 results) Is there actually a quota of one (1) result per day ? I do have one 5.24 WU in my current task list. --- bt |
Message boards :
RALPH@home bug list :
Bug reports for Ralph 5.16
(Message 1644)
Posted 16 May 2006 by bt1228 Post: Ralph 5.16 WU's running fine so far, but, they consume a HUGE amount of RAM. The two WU's that I have running right now on my dual-core Athlon 64 X2 3800+ are using 664MB and 317MB of RAM respectively. VM usage is slighly higher than that for both. --- bt |
Message boards :
Number crunching :
Beta 5.16 - 689MB of RAM !?
(Message 1637)
Posted 15 May 2006 by bt1228 Post: Why is the new beta 5.16 consuming 689MB of RAM ? I'm running two WU's simultaneously on my dual-core machine and the other WU is using 240MB, which is excessive in itself. It's a good thing I have 2GB of RAM on this machine. --- bt |
Message boards :
RALPH@home bug list :
Report \"stuck at 1%\" bugs here
(Message 1188)
Posted 16 Apr 2006 by bt1228 Post: RALPH wu: FACONTACTS_NOFILTERS_1vie__381_1_0 using rosetta_beta version 499, has been running for 23:47:18 and is 1.041% complete. BOINC Mgr: 5.4.3 wu: http://ralph.bakerlab.org/workunit.php?wuid=78443 result: http://ralph.bakerlab.org/result.php?resultid=86069 I'll kill this WU when it hits 24:00:00. --- bt |
Message boards :
Number crunching :
Max time
(Message 1187)
Posted 16 Apr 2006 by bt1228 Post: You can specify a max time for yourself, but RALPH/ROSETTA will always finish at least one run, even if takes longer than what you specify. --- bt |
Message boards :
Number crunching :
Interesting credit differences between Linux & Windows wu\'s
(Message 1124)
Posted 13 Apr 2006 by bt1228 Post: It is a known problem that the benchmark scores under Linux are about half of what they are under Windows. The run-time for the work units is the same though. This results in about half the credits being claimed. --- bt |
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