Why so little testing on Ralph?

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Message 1292 - Posted: 22 Apr 2006, 7:09:20 UTC


I just read on Rosetta that 5.01 has problems with some WUs. I wonder why you didn't create more jobs for 5.01 here on Ralph? I wanted to check out 5.01 on Ralph before you released it to Rosetta but there was already no work available. For Ralph there is more computing power present than you seem to use. Soem errors show only up in big samples so I suggest to increase testing here on Ralph. Or is the science returned on Ralph not comparable to that returned on Rosetta?
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Message 1306 - Posted: 22 Apr 2006, 19:19:03 UTC - in response to Message 1298.  

There really is no science use made of the RAPLH protein results beyond testing the application itself. If a RAALPH application generates errors then it will not be deployed in Rosetta.

Also RALPH is used to test Work Unit stability, and to test bug fixes. So the actual protein results generated by RALPH processing have almost no use as science results beyond the fact that they run to success or they don't.

I wonder why. Aren't the proteins and the application the same which are eventually deployed to Rosetta? The results should be of the same quality as the results from Rosetta. Are there technical reasons why the results can't be used?

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Message boards : Feedback : Why so little testing on Ralph?

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