Project status
Server status
Program |
Host |
Status |
Download server | |
Running |
Upload server | |
Running |
Scheduler |
ralph |
Running |
feeder |
ralph |
Running |
transitioner |
ralph |
Running |
rah_validator_rosetta (rosetta) |
ralph |
Running |
rah_assimilator_rosetta (rosetta) |
ralph |
Running |
rah_validator_rosetta_python_projects (rosetta_python_projects) |
ralph |
Running |
rah_assimilator_rosetta_python_projects (rosetta_python_projects) |
ralph |
Running |
rah_validator_rfaa (rfaa) |
ralph |
Running |
rah_assimilator_rfaa (rfaa) |
ralph |
Running |
db_purge |
ralph |
Running |
file_deleter |
ralph |
Running |
rah_make_work |
ralph |
Running |
rah_make_work_rfaa |
ralph |
Not Running |
rah_make_work_rosetta_python_projects |
ralph |
Running |
Computing status
Tasks ready to send | 0 |
Tasks in progress | 21 |
Workunits waiting for validation | 0 |
Workunits waiting for assimilation | 28 |
Workunits waiting for file deletion | 0 |
Tasks waiting for file deletion | 0 |
Transitioner backlog (hours) | 0.00 |
With credit | 5604 |
With recent credit | 92 |
Registered in past 24 hours | 0 |
With credit | 23766 |
With recent credit | 137 |
Registered in past 24 hours | 2 |
Current GigaFLOPS | 199.43 |
Tasks by application
Application |
Unsent |
In progress |
Runtime of last 100 tasks in hours: average, min, max |
Users in last 24 hours |
Rosetta |
0 |
0 |
--- |
0 |
rosetta python projects |
0 |
0 |
--- |
0 |
Generalized biomolecular modeling and design with RoseTTAFold All-Atom |
0 |
21 |
1.66 (0.26 - 3.08) |
3 |
Database schema version: 27016
Task data as of 10 Sep 2024, 19:19:45 UTC
©2024 University of Washington