Bug Report for Ralph 5.28

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Brian B

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Message 2336 - Posted: 7 Oct 2006, 5:00:56 UTC

Hi all. I know 5.28 is done know but wanted to let you know a issue I seen this morning on my laptop just in case it slips through to 5.29. Seems that even though BONIC switched to another project, 5.28 was still eating up CPU time. I had BONIC set to Run Based on Preferences, which is to suspend while user is active. I was using the laptop and it was running very, very, very slow, so I brought up the task manager and found that 5.28 was still running and using 100% cpu, even though BONIC was in suspension. I had to End Process 5.28 in order to get it to stop. The funny thing about it was when I looked at the message log, 5.28 was not the last project running, a different project was running be for BONIC when into suspension because I starting using the computer. There were no errors running the wu either.

I'm on Win2k running several projects with the following:
10/06/2006 11:51:29 PM||Starting BOINC client version 5.2.13 for windows_intelx86
10/06/2006 11:51:29 PM||libcurl/7.14.0 OpenSSL/0.9.8 zlib/1.2.3
10/06/2006 11:51:29 PM||Data directory: C:Program FilesBOINC
10/06/2006 11:51:30 PM||Processor: 1 GenuineIntel Mobile Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4 - M CPU 2.00GHz
10/06/2006 11:51:30 PM||Memory: 766.98 MB physical, 1.08 GB virtual
10/06/2006 11:51:30 PM||Disk: 9.76 GB total, 1.70 GB free

Thanks and good luck!
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Brian B

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Message 2342 - Posted: 7 Oct 2006, 13:00:02 UTC - in response to Message 2336.  

Hi again. Thought I should update you on my previous post. I checked the computer this morning and it was running slow again, so I checked BONIC to see what was up. Another project was running (different from last time) not 5.28. I checked Task Manager to see what was going on and sure enough, the cpu was at 100% even though BONIC was in suspend mode, and 5.28 was the top in cpu time (over 7hours on a 3 hour wu). I decided to try something different and exited BOINC instead of ending 5.28's process, and right after it closed cpu percentage dropped. Started BONIC back up and the wu/result was now back at '---'for 'CPU time' and '3:40:21' for 'To completion' (was at 0:21:35?? and 7:??:??, don't remember exact numbers). I decided to abort the wu since this was the second time I found it had locked up BONIC and the computer.

Take care...

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Profile Conan

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Message 2347 - Posted: 7 Oct 2006, 16:53:41 UTC
Last modified: 7 Oct 2006, 16:40:08 UTC

>>> After a day of trying to get rid of the Runtime errors caused by Ralph screensaver and not being able to get Boinc running at all. I ended up re-downloading Boinc and installing a different version as my version no matter how many times I installed it would not run with due to visual C++ runtime errors.
It ran and dumped all my work units, downloading a heap of new ones, which then got dumped again when I tried to add my back up files back in and now Einstein and Ralph won't talk to the servers saying they are backing off for 18 hours or so.
I think this is due to all the WU's that got dumped.
Anyway I sorted things out sort off and I am crunching again.
Not happy with what Ralph did to the Boinc programme and my computer, causing me to lose a days work a couple of times.

I have also found the fresh download has registered my computer twice now.
ID: 2347 · Report as offensive    Reply Quote
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Message 2367 - Posted: 9 Oct 2006, 19:13:20 UTC - in response to Message 2342.  

Hi Brian, please let us know if you see this problem again with newer updates other than 5.28 and then we will look into it to see if it is a general problem. One thing which might be helpful is to update your bonic software... Thanks for you help and feedback
Hi again. Thought I should update you on my previous post. I checked the computer this morning and it was running slow again, so I checked BONIC to see what was up. Another project was running (different from last time) not 5.28. I checked Task Manager to see what was going on and sure enough, the cpu was at 100% even though BONIC was in suspend mode, and 5.28 was the top in cpu time (over 7hours on a 3 hour wu). I decided to try something different and exited BOINC instead of ending 5.28's process, and right after it closed cpu percentage dropped. Started BONIC back up and the wu/result was now back at '---'for 'CPU time' and '3:40:21' for 'To completion' (was at 0:21:35?? and 7:??:??, don't remember exact numbers). I decided to abort the wu since this was the second time I found it had locked up BONIC and the computer.

Take care...


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Message 2368 - Posted: 9 Oct 2006, 19:22:17 UTC - in response to Message 2347.  
Last modified: 9 Oct 2006, 19:06:53 UTC

Hi Conan, I do not know what is causing that problem. We did not change any boinc program and only updated Rosetta application. Sorry for the inconvenience.
>>> After a day of trying to get rid of the Runtime errors caused by Ralph screensaver and not being able to get Boinc running at all. I ended up re-downloading Boinc and installing a different version as my version no matter how many times I installed it would not run with due to visual C++ runtime errors.
It ran and dumped all my work units, downloading a heap of new ones, which then got dumped again when I tried to add my back up files back in and now Einstein and Ralph won't talk to the servers saying they are backing off for 18 hours or so.
I think this is due to all the WU's that got dumped.
Anyway I sorted things out sort off and I am crunching again.
Not happy with what Ralph did to the Boinc programme and my computer, causing me to lose a days work a couple of times.

I have also found the fresh download has registered my computer twice now.

ID: 2368 · Report as offensive    Reply Quote
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