CPU run time

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Message 3865 - Posted: 9 Apr 2008, 13:28:20 UTC

So I was just wondering...
Would it be better for RALPH to have a bigger cpu run time per WU? Is the default 1 hour run time enough for testing or would it be better for me to raise it up by few hours?
I was just figuring that since this project is focusing on error detection etc., is it really useful to run the WU's longer than the deafault 1 hour?
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Message 3868 - Posted: 9 Apr 2008, 13:55:24 UTC - in response to Message 3865.  

So I was just wondering...

...and not only you...

Would it be better for RALPH to have a bigger cpu run time per WU? Is the default 1 hour run time enough for testing or would it be better for me to raise it up by few hours?
I was just figuring that since this project is focusing on error detection etc., is it really useful to run the WU's longer than the deafault 1 hour?

We were discussing this question two months ago in the Run time defaults thread, unluckily without any agreement or an official response from devs' side.

The only known note is a one year old David Kim's comment:
We would prefer lower run times so that results are returned quicker.

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Message 3874 - Posted: 10 Apr 2008, 4:21:39 UTC

Ok, thanks Pepo, I missed that topic...
Well, I guess I'm going to keep my run time at default to keep the WU flowing... Hope it detects all the errors in that time :)
I would also presume that if the staff would want the WU's to run longer they would propaply raise the default run time...
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Profile David Emigh

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Message 4032 - Posted: 17 May 2008, 19:42:29 UTC


In light of the recent difficulties with memory leaks in Rosetta Mini 1.1x, especially those leaks that took upwards of 20 hours to cause a failure, would it be appropriate to increase the default runtime?
RALPH and Rosie sittin' in a tree,
F - O - L - D - I - N - G!
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Message 4034 - Posted: 18 May 2008, 0:24:47 UTC - in response to Message 4032.  

In light of the recent difficulties with memory leaks in Rosetta Mini 1.1x, especially those leaks that took upwards of 20 hours to cause a failure, would it be appropriate to increase the default runtime?

This is possibly not the case, but IMO the events prove the necessity of rather broad variance of used runtimes - not only the short ones (for fast turnaround of tasks and apps as possibly the devs' main goal) but also the mid and long(est) ones to test the tasks' and apps' stability.

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