Message boards : RALPH@home bug list : minirosetta v1.48-1.51 bug thread
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Aegis Maelstrom Send message Joined: 19 Jan 09 Posts: 12 Credit: 4,751 RAC: 0 |
...and now something completely different. Mike, do you need more information about actual behaviour of your predicting models? Just to fine tune the energy function, folding procedure etc.? One thing we all now is that some models of particular WU take much more time than the others. It's clearly seen when we have "long running WUs", however it is quite often as well in WUs which have very short models. In these cases you need to actually watch it or have good logs to see, that, i.e. most of models run in 5 minutes, and one takes 15-20. I've been having such a task right now: testC_cc_1_8_nocst4_hb_t288__IGNORE_THE_REST_2FNEA_2_6976_1_0. For many minutes the accepted screen was showing a very simple chain split on two, longer and shorter, and the shorter was standing still, showing some quite folded structure. It took over 400,000 steps to get something semifolded and more complicated on a "accepted" screen and go further. This model (12th) took much more time and as the forecast runtime of a model increased, it was the last decoy allowed by the scheduler. All of these looked like the procedure needed much more time to hit something acceptable to start with. I'm sure you know about this issue but I have seen such a behaviour a couple times before and just wanted to let you know it is quite common. P.S. Besided that everything - except checkpointing, see my posts above - is working like a charm. P.S.S. Great work Feel1st! |
Path7 Send message Joined: 11 Feb 08 Posts: 56 Credit: 4,974 RAC: 0 |
Hello mtyka, - Do the graphics behave properly again ? After having problems with the graphics running minrosetta 1.52, the combination of minrosetta 1.53 & minrosetta graphics 1.53 seems to work smoothly again. Thanks and a good weekend, Path7. |
ramostol Send message Joined: 29 Mar 07 Posts: 24 Credit: 31,121 RAC: 0 |
After Rosetta 1.47 totally crashing on my MacBook on 27 Dec 2008 (after one week of faultless computing, within hours after connecting to the Rosetta server; still haven't recovered) I have waited for an opportunity to test what is happening on Ralph. At last I received two 1.53-tasks - however, they show exactly the same symptoms as observed using 1.47 on Rosetta: abinitio_norelax_homfrag_natfrag_129_B_1pxuA_SAVE_ALL_OUT_7037_1_0 <![CDATA[ <message> process exited with code 193 (0xc1, -63) </message> This one crashed after 30 sec. ---- abinitio_norelax_homfrag_natfrag_129_B_1ctf__SAVE_ALL_OUT_7037_1_0 <![CDATA[ <message> process exited with code 193 (0xc1, -63) </message> <stderr_txt> This one is reported using Boinc 6.6.2 but computed with 6.6.1. It started out relatively normally. But after about one hour’s computing time, steadily increasing "To completion" time, progress stuck at 0.240%, I had to conclude that this wu would turn into an everlasting task. "Show graphics" did not respond, even "Quit Boinc" was greyed out. After rebooting to install Boinc 6.6.2, and logging on as administrative and non-administrative user the wu quit after restarting using 32 sec. I should add that I mostly use this computer as a non-administrator, which may have some bearing (on my PPC it influences my graphics display at least). However, I do not receive more units to check, so I can not test the behaviour when changing configurations. ---- PS For the curious: This is the report from the first wu crashing on Dec 27 2008 on Rosetta (I haven't too much time analyzing such data....). The error message is a bit more extensive than the messages for the rest of the bunch: (obsolete link) Task ID 216101560 Name 1r9pA_BOINC_MPZN_vanilla_abrelax_5901_6648_0 Workunit 196949149 Created 21 Dec 2008 12:53:24 UTC Sent 21 Dec 2008 13:16:26 UTC Received 27 Dec 2008 14:15:44 UTC Server state Over Outcome Client error Client state Compute error Exit status 193 (0xc1) Computer ID 936507 Report deadline 31 Dec 2008 13:16:26 UTC CPU time 20.36099 stderr out <core_client_version>6.5.0</core_client_version> <![CDATA[ <message> process exited with code 193 (0xc1, -63) </message> <stderr_txt> minirosetta_1.47_i686-apple-darwin(69428,0xa031b720) malloc: *** error for object 0x1748220: Non-aligned pointer being freed (2) *** set a breakpoint in malloc_error_break to debug minirosetta_1.47_i686-apple-darwin(69428,0xa031b720) malloc: *** error for object 0x1748220: incorrect checksum for freed object - object was probably modified after being freed. *** set a breakpoint in malloc_error_break to debug SIGBUS: bus error Crashed executable name: minirosetta_1.47_i686-apple-darwin built using BOINC library version 6.5.0 Machine type Intel 80486 (32-bit executable) System version: Macintosh OS 10.5.6 build 9G55 Sat Dec 27 14:45:29 2008 |
![]() Send message Joined: 13 Jan 09 Posts: 103 Credit: 331,865 RAC: 0 |
You might want to try classifying such failures by the specific type of CPU they ran on, and what operating system they ran under. At least one other BOINC project I'm participating in found at least one problem where the results came out one way on Intel CPUs, and a different way on AMD CPUs. And more than one have found problems where workunits come out OK if run under one operating system, but not if they're run under another operating system. |
![]() Send message Joined: 13 Jan 09 Posts: 103 Credit: 331,865 RAC: 0 |
Should the name of this thread be editted to include 1.51, or should a new thread be started for 1.51? Same for 1.53, the version used in the last workunit I got. Also, this could be reflected in the description of the latest version being tested on the home page. |
![]() Send message Joined: 13 Jan 09 Posts: 103 Credit: 331,865 RAC: 0 |
Thank you all for reporting the problems! The problem divides it self into three parts, firstly cornering the error, turning it into an erro message, reproducing it here and then finding the root of the problem. I wonder if a significant number of these are problems with restarting after suspending the task, so if you run them on a machine that doesn't participate in enough other BOINC projects to even cause the suspension, the code with problems won't even be used? Also, have you checked if this problem is restricted to certain BOINC versions, but not certain others? Also, it may matter whether the Leave In Memory option is used, and thus whether the restart is from what is left in memory or from a checkpoint. On my machine, I found that minirosetta ran better after I enabled Leave In Memory, increased the upper limit on how much disk space BOINC could use, and increased the percentage of the available swap space BOINC could use. The new upper limits are high enough to suggest that BOINC divides the available disk space and swap space equally between BOINC projects before deciding how much to give to each workunit, instead of letting the more demanding BOINC projects have more than an equal share if they need it. This does have a side effect, though - I'll probably need to run about 10 workunits of any new minirosetta version to have enough results to guess whether it is better than 1.47, unless it's significantly worse instead. |
![]() Send message Joined: 13 Jan 09 Posts: 103 Credit: 331,865 RAC: 0 |
Yeah guess what. I just found a bug in the BOINC API! . Holy crap. Basically as far as i can see there's a memory leak when it's trying to unzip files. Mostly all you see is the application dying kicking and screaming just after initialization. One RALPH user though produced a suspicious trace (thank you philip in hongkong!). I have to stress that this is the only job out of hundreds such failures that has returned with a trace. Is the place with the bad code part of BOINC, instead of part of minirosetta? If it is, I'd expect a number of variations of the fix to be needed, depending on which version of BOINC is used. |
![]() Send message Joined: 13 Jan 09 Posts: 103 Credit: 331,865 RAC: 0 |
Could some of your problems with RALPH@home be due to it looking like an alpha test project, thus driving away participants willing to participate in beta test projects but not alpha test projects? I looked down the list of top participants, and found that I entered this list within days after adding RALPH@home to my list of BOINC projects, and not even giving it a very high percentage of the available CPU time on my machine. It then rose rapidly in the list the next few days. Is this due to the current updates being sent only to machines of specific types, or due to a very small number of people actually currently trying to be active in RALPH@home (I'd guess around 500)? At least the results I'm getting from RALPH@home don't look significantly worse than I'm getting at Rosetta@home, so I'll stay active for now. I've seen some other BOINC projects offer a "test" option for running workunits that are between their beta tests and their final release, but need a higher volume of workunits completed to check for performance problems in any new sections of the code used. Are you interested in adding this option on Rosetta@home, to restrict some of the testing done on Rosetta@home to people willing to tolerate a high bug level, and thus help attract more participants that object to the high bug level currently seen on Rosetta@home? You could even enable this option for users who haven't tried to set it at all, not not for new participants, if you're worried about getting enough participants willing to use it. |
![]() Send message Joined: 7 Mar 06 Posts: 313 Credit: 116,623 RAC: 0 |
Paul, I think you are saying "shouldn't it have detected the problem much sooner?". It dawned on me later looking at how far over the file size was, that there must be much more to it then just the last model. It was actually wrapping up the entire task when it failed. There are file size limits in BOINC, and it does check them as the task runs (so far as I know anyway). But this one may not have been detected because I'll bet the last thing the task did was zip it all up to send in. So, there was no way to know the final size until the compression completed. But yes, seems to indicate that the task is producing too many models. And perhaps that there is some intermediate file size that could be further limited to assure the compressed size does not exceed the limit there. The other way around it would be to limit the number of models the task is allowed to produce. But this would mess up my runtime preference, and my future requests for work, because it would end significantly sooner then my 24hr preference. Actually, this would be another good factor for the watchdog to keep tabs on. (or the logic about whether to start the next model) If he sees a problem, then he could get the current work reported rather then losing it. |
![]() Send message Joined: 16 Feb 06 Posts: 16 Credit: 39,518 RAC: 0 |
Is this due to the current updates being sent only to machines of specific types, or due to a very small number of people actually currently trying to be active in RALPH@home (I'd guess around 500)? Here's some numbers BOINC Stats for RALPH 642 active users out of 3073 HTH |
![]() Send message Joined: 14 Jan 09 Posts: 62 Credit: 33,293 RAC: 0 |
[quote] Paul, I think you are saying "shouldn't it have detected the problem much sooner?". It dawned on me later looking at how far over the file size was, that there must be much more to it then just the last model. It was actually wrapping up the entire task when it failed./quote] Yes that is what I was trying to say. Again, not being aware of the exact circumstances and what stage you were in at the time of the issue, it seems that the system should have been more graceful. If it was trying to wrap up the model at the end is it possible that it should have been able to make several upload files rather than just one? There are file size limits in BOINC, and it does check them as the task runs (so far as I know anyway). But this one may not have been detected because I'll bet the last thing the task did was zip it all up to send in. So, there was no way to know the final size until the compression completed./quote] Agreed. |
![]() Send message Joined: 14 Jan 09 Posts: 62 Credit: 33,293 RAC: 0 |
Could some of your problems with RALPH@home be due to it looking like an alpha test project, thus driving away participants willing to participate in beta test projects but not alpha test projects? This is common for ALL BOINC projects. If you start any BOINC project you will see that you will leap up the lists if you run on that project for only a couple weeks. At some point you start to hit the level where the dedicated are accumulating work... then your rise will level off and will rise and fall depending on how many computers you have and what speed they are ... I tend to have more machines than most people that BOINC, less than the really dedicated and so I am now solidly in the middle of the pack of participants though still rising slowly (at one point I was number 411 in the world for all projects) But at the end of the day, test projects, Alpha or Beta needs people that will not only do the work, but are willing to report errors, try things out and run the risk of doing work and never getting "paid" for the effort because of failures. |
![]() Send message Joined: 14 Jan 09 Posts: 62 Credit: 33,293 RAC: 0 |
currently there is no monitoring of that. I'll look into putting safety stop on that. I'm not even sure how to get that info from the boinc api. Perhaps begging? :) |
I _ quit Send message Joined: 13 Jan 09 Posts: 44 Credit: 88,562 RAC: 0 |
Is this due to the current updates being sent only to machines of specific types, or due to a very small number of people actually currently trying to be active in RALPH@home (I'd guess around 500)? I got caught behind a ton of work in my buffer for Ralph and then ran up a big debt load to rosie. I have shrunk my buffer size since then. When there is work available I should get it automatically and be active in testing again. |
![]() Send message Joined: 14 Jan 09 Posts: 62 Credit: 33,293 RAC: 0 |
Please mister, can I have some more? Can't test the version with no work to do ... :) |
I _ quit Send message Joined: 13 Jan 09 Posts: 44 Credit: 88,562 RAC: 0 |
Please mister, can I have some more? I just got 25 new tasks after changing my allocation percentage. |
ramostol Send message Joined: 29 Mar 07 Posts: 24 Credit: 31,121 RAC: 0 |
Since the computer in question is connected to the internet only in weekends I cannot be of much use without lots of wus... But -- in connection with modified object -- this computer isn't doing much more that computing BOINC projects at the moment, and the sole configuration made by yours truly when connecting to the Rosetta server was changing the runtime to keep within limits. Since my first (of three) Rosetta crash the last months (that one using BOINC 6.3.14) made it necessary to manually delete all project files before reattaching to get up and running, I wonder if some errors are created outside of miniRosetta itself... |
![]() Send message Joined: 7 Mar 06 Posts: 313 Credit: 116,623 RAC: 0 |
My apologies in advance for this long post, but I thought it the best method of report. I know you wanted feedback on the checkpointing. Specifically the checkpoint buffering that I understand should be included in v1.53. I have this v1.53 task, it's been running for about 11.5hrs on my 24hr preference. My BOINC client confirms my "write at most..." setting is 600 seconds. This task has generated 122 checkpoints so far (as per the boinc_checkpoint_count.txt file) and is now on model 106, and perhaps so many models is the root cause, but here is what I see in the slots file. I believe you indicated that at the end of a model, we would see a disk write, regardless of preference and any other buffered checkpoints. But, I seem to be seeing a large number of writes in a single minute, with several file numbers. So, showing you the directory seems the only way... (sorted by date/time, and colorized where heavy disk periods seem to be. Some just seem to have written a large number of files, others seem to have written multiple checkpoints [if that is what the numbers are], in a single minute) 11/18/2008 12:24 PM 138 t327_.fasta 11/18/2008 01:19 PM 666 T0327.all0.T20.aln.filt.2F2EA_2.mapping 11/18/2008 01:19 PM 667 T0327.all0.T20.aln.filt.2F2EA_4.mapping 11/18/2008 01:19 PM 628 T0327.all0.T20.aln.filt.2F2EA_5.mapping 11/18/2008 01:19 PM 672 T0327.all0.T20.aln.filt.2F2EA_6.mapping 11/18/2008 01:19 PM 594 T0327.all0.T20.aln.filt.2F2EA_7.mapping 11/18/2008 01:19 PM 668 T0327.all0.T20.aln.filt.2F2EA_8.mapping 11/18/2008 01:19 PM 672 T0327.all0.T20.aln.filt.2F2EA_9.mapping 11/18/2008 01:19 PM 628 T0327.all0.T20.aln.filt.2F2EA_12.mapping 11/18/2008 01:19 PM 669 T0327.all0.T20.aln.filt.2F2EA_11.mapping 11/18/2008 01:19 PM 602 T0327.all0.T20.aln.filt.2F2EA_10.mapping 11/18/2008 01:19 PM 700 T0327.all0.T20.aln.filt.1UB9A_2.mapping 11/18/2008 01:19 PM 601 T0327.all0.T20.aln.filt.2F2EA_15.mapping 11/18/2008 01:19 PM 671 T0327.all0.T20.aln.filt.2F2EA_14.mapping 11/18/2008 01:19 PM 676 T0327.all0.T20.aln.filt.2F2EA_16.mapping 11/18/2008 01:19 PM 646 T0327.all0.T20.aln.filt.1UB9A_5.mapping 11/18/2008 01:19 PM 696 T0327.all0.T20.aln.filt.1UB9A_6.mapping 11/18/2008 01:19 PM 670 T0327.all0.T20.aln.filt.1UB9A_10.mapping 11/18/2008 01:19 PM 697 T0327.all0.T20.aln.filt.1UB9A_8.mapping 11/18/2008 01:19 PM 694 T0327.all0.T20.aln.filt.1UB9A_13.mapping 11/18/2008 01:19 PM 636 T0327.all0.T20.aln.filt.1XMAA_10.mapping 11/18/2008 01:19 PM 636 T0327.all0.T20.aln.filt.1XMAA_13.mapping 11/18/2008 01:19 PM 675 T0327.all0.T20.aln.filt.1XMAA_11.mapping 11/18/2008 01:19 PM 682 T0327.all0.T20.aln.filt.1XMAA_14.mapping 11/18/2008 01:19 PM 659 T0327.all0.T20.aln.filt.1XMAA_15.mapping 11/18/2008 01:19 PM 683 T0327.all0.T20.aln.filt.1XMAA_16.mapping 11/18/2008 01:19 PM 645 T0327.all0.T20.aln.filt.1XMAA_17.mapping 11/18/2008 01:19 PM 595 T0327.all0.T20.aln.filt.1YYVA_3.mapping 11/18/2008 01:19 PM 674 T0327.all0.T20.aln.filt.1YYVA_6.mapping 11/18/2008 01:19 PM 637 T0327.all0.T20.aln.filt.1YYVA_5.mapping 11/18/2008 01:19 PM 671 T0327.all0.T20.aln.filt.1YYVA_8.mapping 11/18/2008 01:19 PM 612 T0327.all0.T20.aln.filt.1YYVA_7.mapping 11/18/2008 01:19 PM 678 T0327.all0.T20.aln.filt.1YYVA_10.mapping 11/18/2008 01:19 PM 612 T0327.all0.T20.aln.filt.1YYVA_9.mapping 11/18/2008 01:19 PM 677 T0327.all0.T20.aln.filt.1YYVA_14.mapping 11/18/2008 01:19 PM 676 T0327.all0.T20.aln.filt.1YYVA_12.mapping 11/18/2008 01:20 PM 637 T0327.all0.T20.aln.filt.2FSWA_1.mapping 11/18/2008 01:20 PM 604 T0327.all0.T20.aln.filt.2FSWA_3.mapping 11/18/2008 01:20 PM 653 T0327.all0.T20.aln.filt.2FSWA_2.mapping 11/18/2008 01:20 PM 674 T0327.all0.T20.aln.filt.2FSWA_5.mapping 11/18/2008 01:20 PM 691 T0327.all0.T20.aln.filt.2FSWA_4.mapping 11/18/2008 01:20 PM 612 T0327.all0.T20.aln.filt.2FSWA_6.mapping 11/18/2008 01:20 PM 671 T0327.all0.T20.aln.filt.2FSWA_7.mapping 11/18/2008 01:20 PM 674 T0327.all0.T20.aln.filt.2FSWA_8.mapping 11/18/2008 01:20 PM 678 T0327.all0.T20.aln.filt.2FSWA_9.mapping 11/18/2008 01:20 PM 587 T0327.all0.T20.aln.filt.2FSWA_10.mapping 11/18/2008 01:20 PM 670 T0327.all0.T20.aln.filt.2FSWA_11.mapping 11/18/2008 01:20 PM 566 T0327.all0.T20.aln.filt.2FSWA_12.mapping 11/18/2008 01:20 PM 601 T0327.all0.T20.aln.filt.2FSWA_13.mapping 11/18/2008 01:20 PM 683 T0327.all0.T20.aln.filt.2ESHA_14.mapping 11/18/2008 01:21 PM 663 T0327.all0.T20.aln.filt.2FRHA_3.mapping 11/18/2008 01:21 PM 698 T0327.all0.T20.aln.filt.2FRHA_10.mapping 11/18/2008 01:24 PM 629,605 boinc_aat327_03_05.200_v1_3.gz 11/18/2008 01:25 PM 1,731,406 boinc_aat327_09_05.200_v1_3.gz 11/18/2008 01:30 PM 135,465 1ub9.pdb 11/18/2008 01:31 PM 141,309 1xma.pdb 11/18/2008 01:31 PM 149,160 1yyv.pdb 11/18/2008 01:32 PM 154,587 2esh.pdb 11/18/2008 01:33 PM 180,600 2f2e.pdb 11/18/2008 01:34 PM 175,317 2frh.pdb 11/18/2008 01:35 PM 141,402 2fsw.pdb 11/18/2008 01:35 PM 39,881 2F2EA_2.pdb 11/18/2008 01:35 PM 39,881 2F2EA_4.pdb 11/18/2008 01:35 PM 39,881 2F2EA_5.pdb 11/18/2008 01:35 PM 39,881 2F2EA_6.pdb 11/18/2008 01:35 PM 39,881 2F2EA_7.pdb 11/18/2008 01:35 PM 39,881 2F2EA_8.pdb 11/18/2008 01:35 PM 39,881 2F2EA_10.pdb 11/18/2008 01:35 PM 39,881 2F2EA_9.pdb 11/18/2008 01:35 PM 39,881 2F2EA_11.pdb 11/18/2008 01:35 PM 39,881 2F2EA_12.pdb 11/18/2008 01:35 PM 39,881 2F2EA_14.pdb 11/18/2008 01:35 PM 39,881 2F2EA_16.pdb 11/18/2008 01:35 PM 39,881 2F2EA_15.pdb 11/18/2008 01:35 PM 39,881 1UB9A_2.pdb 11/18/2008 01:35 PM 39,881 1UB9A_5.pdb 11/18/2008 01:35 PM 39,881 1UB9A_6.pdb 11/18/2008 01:35 PM 39,881 1UB9A_8.pdb 11/18/2008 01:35 PM 39,881 1UB9A_10.pdb 11/18/2008 01:35 PM 39,881 1UB9A_13.pdb 11/18/2008 01:35 PM 39,881 1XMAA_10.pdb 11/18/2008 01:35 PM 39,881 1XMAA_11.pdb 11/18/2008 01:35 PM 39,881 1XMAA_13.pdb 11/18/2008 01:35 PM 39,881 1XMAA_15.pdb 11/18/2008 01:35 PM 39,881 1XMAA_14.pdb 11/18/2008 01:35 PM 39,881 1XMAA_16.pdb 11/18/2008 01:36 PM 39,881 1XMAA_17.pdb 11/18/2008 01:36 PM 39,881 1YYVA_3.pdb 11/18/2008 01:36 PM 39,881 1YYVA_5.pdb 11/18/2008 01:36 PM 39,881 1YYVA_6.pdb 11/18/2008 01:36 PM 39,881 1YYVA_7.pdb 11/18/2008 01:36 PM 39,881 1YYVA_8.pdb 11/18/2008 01:36 PM 39,881 1YYVA_9.pdb 11/18/2008 01:36 PM 39,881 1YYVA_10.pdb 11/18/2008 01:36 PM 39,881 1YYVA_12.pdb 11/18/2008 01:36 PM 39,881 1YYVA_14.pdb 11/18/2008 01:37 PM 39,881 2FSWA_1.pdb 11/18/2008 01:37 PM 39,881 2FSWA_2.pdb 11/18/2008 01:37 PM 39,881 2FSWA_3.pdb 11/18/2008 01:37 PM 39,881 2FSWA_4.pdb 11/18/2008 01:37 PM 39,881 2FSWA_6.pdb 11/18/2008 01:37 PM 39,881 2FSWA_5.pdb 11/18/2008 01:37 PM 39,881 2FSWA_7.pdb 11/18/2008 01:37 PM 39,881 2FSWA_8.pdb 11/18/2008 01:37 PM 39,881 2FSWA_10.pdb 11/18/2008 01:37 PM 39,881 2FSWA_9.pdb 11/18/2008 01:37 PM 39,881 2FSWA_11.pdb 11/18/2008 01:37 PM 39,881 2FSWA_13.pdb 11/18/2008 01:37 PM 39,881 2ESHA_14.pdb 11/18/2008 01:38 PM 39,881 2FRHA_3.pdb 11/18/2008 01:38 PM 39,881 2FRHA_10.pdb 11/20/2008 05:14 PM 94,689 native.pdb 12/01/2008 01:11 PM 43 core_2F2EA_16_noloop_loops.txt 12/01/2008 01:11 PM 43 core_2F2EA_14_noloop_loops.txt 12/01/2008 01:11 PM 66 core_2F2EA_11_noloop_loops.txt 12/01/2008 01:11 PM 66 core_2ESHA_14_noloop_loops.txt 12/01/2008 01:11 PM 89 core_1YYVA_9_noloop_loops.txt 12/01/2008 01:11 PM 89 core_1YYVA_7_noloop_loops.txt 12/01/2008 01:11 PM 66 core_2FSWA_7_noloop_loops.txt 12/01/2008 01:11 PM 43 core_2FRHA_10_noloop_loops.txt 12/01/2008 01:11 PM 89 core_1YYVA_5_noloop_loops.txt 12/01/2008 01:11 PM 89 core_1YYVA_10_noloop_loops.txt 12/01/2008 01:11 PM 66 core_1XMAA_17_noloop_loops.txt 12/01/2008 01:11 PM 66 core_1XMAA_15_noloop_loops.txt 12/01/2008 01:11 PM 66 core_1XMAA_14_noloop_loops.txt 12/01/2008 01:11 PM 89 core_1XMAA_10_noloop_loops.txt 12/01/2008 01:11 PM 43 core_1UB9A_8_noloop_loops.txt 12/01/2008 01:11 PM 43 core_1UB9A_6_noloop_loops.txt 12/01/2008 01:11 PM 66 core_2F2EA_2_noloop_loops.txt 12/01/2008 01:11 PM 66 core_2FSWA_5_noloop_loops.txt 12/01/2008 01:11 PM 66 core_2F2EA_4_noloop_loops.txt 12/01/2008 01:11 PM 89 core_2FSWA_3_noloop_loops.txt 12/01/2008 01:11 PM 43 core_2FSWA_2_noloop_loops.txt 12/01/2008 01:11 PM 89 core_2F2EA_7_noloop_loops.txt 12/01/2008 01:11 PM 66 core_2FSWA_13_noloop_loops.txt 12/01/2008 01:11 PM 66 core_2F2EA_9_noloop_loops.txt 12/01/2008 01:11 PM 66 core_2FSWA_10_noloop_loops.txt 12/01/2008 01:11 PM 89 core_2FRHA_3_noloop_loops.txt 12/01/2008 01:11 PM 66 core_2FSWA_8_noloop_loops.txt 12/01/2008 01:11 PM 66 core_2F2EA_6_noloop_loops.txt 12/01/2008 01:11 PM 89 core_1YYVA_6_noloop_loops.txt 12/01/2008 01:12 PM 89 core_2FSWA_6_noloop_loops.txt 12/01/2008 01:12 PM 43 core_2FSWA_4_noloop_loops.txt 12/01/2008 01:12 PM 66 core_2FSWA_1_noloop_loops.txt 12/01/2008 01:12 PM 43 core_2FSWA_11_noloop_loops.txt 12/01/2008 01:12 PM 66 core_2F2EA_8_noloop_loops.txt 12/01/2008 01:12 PM 66 core_2F2EA_5_noloop_loops.txt 12/01/2008 01:12 PM 43 core_2F2EA_15_noloop_loops.txt 12/01/2008 01:12 PM 66 core_2F2EA_12_noloop_loops.txt 12/01/2008 01:12 PM 89 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130 default.out.gz 01/26/2009 12:44 AM 132 test_cc_1_8_nocst4.foldcst_chunk_general.t327_.mtyka.flags.boinc 01/26/2009 12:44 AM 0 boinc_lockfile 01/26/2009 12:44 AM <DIR> minirosetta_database 01/26/2009 12:44 AM 3 boinc_init_count.txt 01/26/2009 12:59 AM 12,359 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000001_ClassicAbinitio___lc_1.out 01/26/2009 12:59 AM 8,677 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000001_ClassicAbinitio___lc_1.rng.state.gz 01/26/2009 01:09 AM 12,680 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000002_ClassicAbinitio___lc_1.out 01/26/2009 01:09 AM 8,551 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000002_ClassicAbinitio___lc_1.rng.state.gz 01/26/2009 01:09 AM 8,630 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000002_ClassicAbinitio___lc_2.rng.state.gz 01/26/2009 01:09 AM 12,365 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000002_ClassicAbinitio___lc_2.out 01/26/2009 01:18 AM 8,691 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000003_ClassicAbinitio___lc_1.rng.state.gz 01/26/2009 01:18 AM 12,365 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000003_ClassicAbinitio___lc_1.out 01/26/2009 01:29 AM 8,632 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000004_ClassicAbinitio___lc_1.rng.state.gz 01/26/2009 01:29 AM 12,365 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chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000007_ClassicAbinitio___lc_2.rng.state.gz 01/26/2009 04:12 AM 8,740 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000008_ClassicAbinitio___lc_1.rng.state.gz 01/26/2009 04:12 AM 12,680 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000008_ClassicAbinitio___lc_1.out 01/26/2009 04:12 AM 8,722 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000008_ClassicAbinitio___lc_2.rng.state.gz 01/26/2009 04:12 AM 12,365 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000008_ClassicAbinitio___lc_2.out 01/26/2009 04:21 AM 8,701 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000009_ClassicAbinitio___lc_1.rng.state.gz 01/26/2009 04:21 AM 12,365 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000009_ClassicAbinitio___lc_1.out 01/26/2009 04:34 AM 8,702 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000010_ClassicAbinitio___lc_1.rng.state.gz 01/26/2009 04:34 AM 12,680 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000010_ClassicAbinitio___lc_1.out 01/26/2009 04:34 AM 12,365 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000010_ClassicAbinitio___lc_2.out 01/26/2009 04:34 AM 8,757 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000010_ClassicAbinitio___lc_2.rng.state.gz 01/26/2009 04:43 AM 12,365 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000011_ClassicAbinitio___lc_1.out 01/26/2009 04:43 AM 8,738 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chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000002_Abrelax__fastrelax_fa.out 01/26/2009 05:08 AM 8,676 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000003_Abrelax__rg_state_fa.rng.state.gz 01/26/2009 05:08 AM 22,790 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000003_Abrelax__rg_state_fa.out 01/26/2009 05:08 AM 23,185 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000003_Abrelax__fastrelax_fa.out 01/26/2009 05:08 AM 8,624 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000003_Abrelax__fastrelax_fa.rng.state.gz 01/26/2009 05:08 AM 22,790 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000004_Abrelax__rg_state_fa.out 01/26/2009 05:08 AM 8,624 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000004_Abrelax__rg_state_fa.rng.state.gz 01/26/2009 05:08 AM 8,632 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000004_Abrelax__fastrelax_fa.rng.state.gz 01/26/2009 05:08 AM 23,192 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000004_Abrelax__fastrelax_fa.out 01/26/2009 05:08 AM 22,790 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000005_Abrelax__rg_state_fa.out 01/26/2009 05:08 AM 8,632 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000005_Abrelax__rg_state_fa.rng.state.gz 01/26/2009 05:08 AM 8,696 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000005_Abrelax__fastrelax_fa.rng.state.gz 01/26/2009 05:08 AM 23,185 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000005_Abrelax__fastrelax_fa.out 01/26/2009 05:08 AM 22,790 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000006_Abrelax__rg_state_fa.out 01/26/2009 05:08 AM 8,696 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000006_Abrelax__rg_state_fa.rng.state.gz 01/26/2009 05:08 AM 23,192 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000006_Abrelax__fastrelax_fa.out 01/26/2009 05:08 AM 8,709 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000006_Abrelax__fastrelax_fa.rng.state.gz 01/26/2009 05:08 AM 8,709 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000007_Abrelax__rg_state_fa.rng.state.gz 01/26/2009 05:08 AM 22,790 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000007_Abrelax__rg_state_fa.out 01/26/2009 05:08 AM 23,185 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000007_Abrelax__fastrelax_fa.out 01/26/2009 05:08 AM 8,704 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000007_Abrelax__fastrelax_fa.rng.state.gz 01/26/2009 05:08 AM 22,790 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000008_Abrelax__rg_state_fa.out 01/26/2009 05:08 AM 8,704 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000008_Abrelax__rg_state_fa.rng.state.gz 01/26/2009 05:08 AM 23,178 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000008_Abrelax__fastrelax_fa.out 01/26/2009 05:08 AM 8,689 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000008_Abrelax__fastrelax_fa.rng.state.gz 01/26/2009 05:08 AM 8,689 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000009_Abrelax__rg_state_fa.rng.state.gz 01/26/2009 05:08 AM 22,790 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000009_Abrelax__rg_state_fa.out 01/26/2009 05:08 AM 8,722 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000009_Abrelax__fastrelax_fa.rng.state.gz 01/26/2009 05:08 AM 23,185 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000009_Abrelax__fastrelax_fa.out 01/26/2009 05:08 AM 22,790 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000010_Abrelax__rg_state_fa.out 01/26/2009 05:08 AM 8,722 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000010_Abrelax__rg_state_fa.rng.state.gz 01/26/2009 05:08 AM 8,767 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000010_Abrelax__fastrelax_fa.rng.state.gz 01/26/2009 05:08 AM 23,178 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000010_Abrelax__fastrelax_fa.out 01/26/2009 05:08 AM 8,767 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000011_Abrelax__rg_state_fa.rng.state.gz 01/26/2009 05:08 AM 22,790 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000011_Abrelax__rg_state_fa.out 01/26/2009 05:08 AM 8,703 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000011_Abrelax__fastrelax_fa.rng.state.gz 01/26/2009 05:08 AM 23,192 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000011_Abrelax__fastrelax_fa.out 01/26/2009 05:08 AM 8,703 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000012_Abrelax__rg_state_fa.rng.state.gz 01/26/2009 05:08 AM 22,790 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000012_Abrelax__rg_state_fa.out 01/26/2009 05:08 AM 23,192 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000012_Abrelax__fastrelax_fa.out 01/26/2009 05:08 AM 8,733 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000012_Abrelax__fastrelax_fa.rng.state.gz 01/26/2009 05:08 AM 22,790 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000013_Abrelax__rg_state_fa.out 01/26/2009 05:08 AM 8,733 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000013_Abrelax__rg_state_fa.rng.state.gz 01/26/2009 05:08 AM 8,689 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000013_Abrelax__fastrelax_fa.rng.state.gz 01/26/2009 05:08 AM 23,178 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000013_Abrelax__fastrelax_fa.out 01/26/2009 05:08 AM 8,689 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000014_Abrelax__rg_state_fa.rng.state.gz 01/26/2009 05:08 AM 22,790 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000014_Abrelax__rg_state_fa.out 01/26/2009 05:08 AM 8,657 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000014_Abrelax__fastrelax_fa.rng.state.gz 01/26/2009 05:08 AM 23,185 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000014_Abrelax__fastrelax_fa.out 01/26/2009 05:12 AM 8,726 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000014_ClassicAbinitio___lc_1.rng.state.gz 01/26/2009 05:12 AM 12,680 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000014_ClassicAbinitio___lc_1.out 01/26/2009 05:12 AM 12,365 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000014_ClassicAbinitio___lc_2.out 01/26/2009 05:12 AM 8,694 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000014_ClassicAbinitio___lc_2.rng.state.gz 01/26/2009 05:32 AM 8,705 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000015_ClassicAbinitio___lc_2.rng.state.gz 01/26/2009 05:32 AM 12,365 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000015_ClassicAbinitio___lc_2.out 01/26/2009 05:40 AM 8,660 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000016_ClassicAbinitio___lc_1.rng.state.gz 01/26/2009 05:40 AM 12,365 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000016_ClassicAbinitio___lc_1.out 01/26/2009 05:50 AM 12,365 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000017_ClassicAbinitio___lc_1.out 01/26/2009 05:50 AM 8,665 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000017_ClassicAbinitio___lc_1.rng.state.gz 01/26/2009 05:58 AM 12,365 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000018_ClassicAbinitio___lc_1.out 01/26/2009 05:58 AM 8,725 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000018_ClassicAbinitio___lc_1.rng.state.gz 01/26/2009 07:24 AM 12,680 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000020_ClassicAbinitio___lc_1.out 01/26/2009 07:24 AM 8,636 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000020_ClassicAbinitio___lc_1.rng.state.gz 01/26/2009 07:24 AM 8,665 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000020_ClassicAbinitio___lc_2.rng.state.gz 01/26/2009 07:24 AM 12,365 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000020_ClassicAbinitio___lc_2.out 01/26/2009 07:38 AM 12,923 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000022_ClassicAbinitio___lc_1.out 01/26/2009 07:38 AM 8,711 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000022_ClassicAbinitio___lc_1.rng.state.gz 01/26/2009 07:38 AM 8,617 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000022_ClassicAbinitio___lc_2.rng.state.gz 01/26/2009 07:38 AM 12,680 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000022_ClassicAbinitio___lc_2.out 01/26/2009 07:38 AM 8,637 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000022_ClassicAbinitio___lc_3.rng.state.gz 01/26/2009 07:38 AM 12,365 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000022_ClassicAbinitio___lc_3.out 01/26/2009 07:47 AM 12,680 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000023_ClassicAbinitio___lc_1.out 01/26/2009 07:47 AM 8,705 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000023_ClassicAbinitio___lc_1.rng.state.gz 01/26/2009 07:47 AM 12,365 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000023_ClassicAbinitio___lc_2.out 01/26/2009 07:47 AM 8,689 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000023_ClassicAbinitio___lc_2.rng.state.gz 01/26/2009 07:52 AM 8,684 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000024_ClassicAbinitio___lc_1.rng.state.gz 01/26/2009 07:52 AM 12,365 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000024_ClassicAbinitio___lc_1.out 01/26/2009 08:03 AM 8,649 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000026_ClassicAbinitio___lc_1.rng.state.gz 01/26/2009 08:03 AM 12,365 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000026_ClassicAbinitio___lc_1.out 01/26/2009 08:07 AM 12,365 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000027_ClassicAbinitio___lc_1.out 01/26/2009 08:07 AM 8,729 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000027_ClassicAbinitio___lc_1.rng.state.gz 01/26/2009 08:12 AM 8,726 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000028_ClassicAbinitio___lc_1.rng.state.gz 01/26/2009 08:12 AM 12,365 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000028_ClassicAbinitio___lc_1.out 01/26/2009 08:17 AM 8,641 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000029_ClassicAbinitio___lc_1.rng.state.gz 01/26/2009 08:17 AM 12,365 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000029_ClassicAbinitio___lc_1.out 01/26/2009 08:24 AM 12,365 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000030_ClassicAbinitio___lc_1.out 01/26/2009 08:24 AM 8,683 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000030_ClassicAbinitio___lc_1.rng.state.gz 01/26/2009 08:30 AM 8,652 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000031_ClassicAbinitio___lc_1.rng.state.gz 01/26/2009 08:30 AM 12,680 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000031_ClassicAbinitio___lc_1.out 01/26/2009 08:30 AM 8,728 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000031_ClassicAbinitio___lc_2.rng.state.gz 01/26/2009 08:30 AM 12,365 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000031_ClassicAbinitio___lc_2.out 01/26/2009 08:39 AM 8,760 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000033_ClassicAbinitio___lc_1.rng.state.gz 01/26/2009 08:39 AM 12,365 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000033_ClassicAbinitio___lc_1.out 01/26/2009 08:44 AM 8,623 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000034_ClassicAbinitio___lc_1.rng.state.gz 01/26/2009 08:44 AM 12,365 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000034_ClassicAbinitio___lc_1.out 01/26/2009 08:49 AM 8,680 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000035_ClassicAbinitio___lc_1.rng.state.gz 01/26/2009 08:49 AM 12,365 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000035_ClassicAbinitio___lc_1.out 01/26/2009 08:56 AM 12,684 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000036_ClassicAbinitio___lc_1.out 01/26/2009 08:56 AM 8,692 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000036_ClassicAbinitio___lc_1.rng.state.gz 01/26/2009 08:56 AM 7,811 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000036_ClassicAbinitio___lc_2.rng.state.gz 01/26/2009 08:56 AM 12,365 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000036_ClassicAbinitio___lc_2.out 01/26/2009 08:57 AM 8,754 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000015_Abrelax__fastrelax_fa.rng.state.gz 01/26/2009 08:57 AM 23,178 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000015_Abrelax__fastrelax_fa.out 01/26/2009 08:57 AM 8,754 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000016_Abrelax__rg_state_fa.rng.state.gz 01/26/2009 08:57 AM 22,790 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000016_Abrelax__rg_state_fa.out 01/26/2009 08:57 AM 8,667 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000016_Abrelax__fastrelax_fa.rng.state.gz 01/26/2009 08:57 AM 23,192 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000016_Abrelax__fastrelax_fa.out 01/26/2009 08:57 AM 22,790 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000017_Abrelax__rg_state_fa.out 01/26/2009 08:57 AM 8,667 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000017_Abrelax__rg_state_fa.rng.state.gz 01/26/2009 08:57 AM 23,178 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000017_Abrelax__fastrelax_fa.out 01/26/2009 08:57 AM 8,723 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000017_Abrelax__fastrelax_fa.rng.state.gz 01/26/2009 08:57 AM 8,723 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000018_Abrelax__rg_state_fa.rng.state.gz 01/26/2009 08:57 AM 22,790 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000018_Abrelax__rg_state_fa.out 01/26/2009 08:57 AM 8,603 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000018_Abrelax__fastrelax_fa.rng.state.gz 01/26/2009 08:57 AM 23,185 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000018_Abrelax__fastrelax_fa.out 01/26/2009 08:57 AM 8,603 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000019_Abrelax__rg_state_fa.rng.state.gz 01/26/2009 08:57 AM 22,790 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000019_Abrelax__rg_state_fa.out 01/26/2009 08:57 AM 8,676 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000019_Abrelax__fastrelax_fa.rng.state.gz 01/26/2009 08:57 AM 23,178 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000019_Abrelax__fastrelax_fa.out 01/26/2009 08:57 AM 22,790 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000020_Abrelax__rg_state_fa.out 01/26/2009 08:57 AM 8,676 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000020_Abrelax__rg_state_fa.rng.state.gz 01/26/2009 08:57 AM 23,185 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000020_Abrelax__fastrelax_fa.out 01/26/2009 08:57 AM 8,683 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000020_Abrelax__fastrelax_fa.rng.state.gz 01/26/2009 08:57 AM 8,683 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000021_Abrelax__rg_state_fa.rng.state.gz 01/26/2009 08:57 AM 22,790 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000021_Abrelax__rg_state_fa.out 01/26/2009 08:57 AM 8,681 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000022_Abrelax__rg_state_fa.rng.state.gz 01/26/2009 08:57 AM 22,790 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000022_Abrelax__rg_state_fa.out 01/26/2009 08:57 AM 8,746 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000023_Abrelax__rg_state_fa.rng.state.gz 01/26/2009 08:57 AM 22,790 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000023_Abrelax__rg_state_fa.out 01/26/2009 08:57 AM 22,790 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000024_Abrelax__rg_state_fa.out 01/26/2009 08:57 AM 8,675 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000024_Abrelax__rg_state_fa.rng.state.gz 01/26/2009 08:57 AM 8,689 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000025_Abrelax__rg_state_fa.rng.state.gz 01/26/2009 08:57 AM 22,790 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000025_Abrelax__rg_state_fa.out 01/26/2009 08:57 AM 22,790 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000026_Abrelax__rg_state_fa.out 01/26/2009 08:57 AM 8,623 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000026_Abrelax__rg_state_fa.rng.state.gz 01/26/2009 08:57 AM 8,654 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000027_Abrelax__rg_state_fa.rng.state.gz 01/26/2009 08:57 AM 22,790 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000027_Abrelax__rg_state_fa.out 01/26/2009 08:57 AM 8,711 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000028_Abrelax__rg_state_fa.rng.state.gz 01/26/2009 08:57 AM 22,790 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000028_Abrelax__rg_state_fa.out 01/26/2009 08:57 AM 8,673 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000029_Abrelax__rg_state_fa.rng.state.gz 01/26/2009 08:57 AM 22,790 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000029_Abrelax__rg_state_fa.out 01/26/2009 08:57 AM 22,790 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000030_Abrelax__rg_state_fa.out 01/26/2009 08:57 AM 8,633 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000030_Abrelax__rg_state_fa.rng.state.gz 01/26/2009 08:57 AM 22,790 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000031_Abrelax__rg_state_fa.out 01/26/2009 08:57 AM 8,709 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000031_Abrelax__rg_state_fa.rng.state.gz 01/26/2009 08:57 AM 8,749 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000032_Abrelax__rg_state_fa.rng.state.gz 01/26/2009 08:57 AM 22,790 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000032_Abrelax__rg_state_fa.out 01/26/2009 08:57 AM 22,790 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000033_Abrelax__rg_state_fa.out 01/26/2009 08:57 AM 8,640 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000033_Abrelax__rg_state_fa.rng.state.gz 01/26/2009 08:57 AM 8,702 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000034_Abrelax__rg_state_fa.rng.state.gz 01/26/2009 08:57 AM 22,790 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000034_Abrelax__rg_state_fa.out 01/26/2009 08:57 AM 8,629 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000035_Abrelax__rg_state_fa.rng.state.gz 01/26/2009 08:57 AM 22,790 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000035_Abrelax__rg_state_fa.out 01/26/2009 08:57 AM 8,615 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000036_Abrelax__rg_state_fa.rng.state.gz 01/26/2009 08:57 AM 22,790 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000036_Abrelax__rg_state_fa.out 01/26/2009 08:57 AM 22,790 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000037_Abrelax__rg_state_fa.out 01/26/2009 08:57 AM 8,722 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000037_Abrelax__rg_state_fa.rng.state.gz 01/26/2009 09:01 AM 12,365 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000037_ClassicAbinitio___lc_1.out 01/26/2009 09:01 AM 8,622 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000037_ClassicAbinitio___lc_1.rng.state.gz 01/26/2009 09:20 AM 8,718 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000038_ClassicAbinitio___lc_1.rng.state.gz 01/26/2009 09:20 AM 12,365 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000038_ClassicAbinitio___lc_1.out 01/26/2009 09:27 AM 8,704 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000039_ClassicAbinitio___lc_1.rng.state.gz 01/26/2009 09:27 AM 12,365 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000039_ClassicAbinitio___lc_1.out 01/26/2009 09:33 AM 8,759 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000040_ClassicAbinitio___lc_1.rng.state.gz 01/26/2009 09:33 AM 12,365 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000040_ClassicAbinitio___lc_1.out 01/26/2009 09:38 AM 8,666 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000041_ClassicAbinitio___lc_1.rng.state.gz 01/26/2009 09:38 AM 12,365 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000041_ClassicAbinitio___lc_1.out 01/26/2009 09:44 AM 12,680 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000042_ClassicAbinitio___lc_1.out 01/26/2009 09:44 AM 8,684 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000042_ClassicAbinitio___lc_1.rng.state.gz 01/26/2009 09:44 AM 8,724 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000042_ClassicAbinitio___lc_2.rng.state.gz 01/26/2009 09:44 AM 12,365 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000042_ClassicAbinitio___lc_2.out 01/26/2009 09:49 AM 12,680 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000043_ClassicAbinitio___lc_1.out 01/26/2009 09:49 AM 8,689 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000043_ClassicAbinitio___lc_1.rng.state.gz 01/26/2009 09:49 AM 8,579 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000043_ClassicAbinitio___lc_2.rng.state.gz 01/26/2009 09:49 AM 12,365 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000043_ClassicAbinitio___lc_2.out 01/26/2009 09:54 AM 12,365 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000044_ClassicAbinitio___lc_1.out 01/26/2009 09:54 AM 8,619 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000044_ClassicAbinitio___lc_1.rng.state.gz 01/26/2009 10:02 AM 8,700 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000045_ClassicAbinitio___lc_1.rng.state.gz 01/26/2009 10:02 AM 12,680 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000045_ClassicAbinitio___lc_1.out 01/26/2009 10:02 AM 8,720 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000045_ClassicAbinitio___lc_2.rng.state.gz 01/26/2009 10:02 AM 12,365 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000045_ClassicAbinitio___lc_2.out 01/26/2009 10:12 AM 8,646 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000046_ClassicAbinitio___lc_1.rng.state.gz 01/26/2009 10:12 AM 12,365 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000046_ClassicAbinitio___lc_1.out 01/26/2009 10:26 AM 12,680 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000048_ClassicAbinitio___lc_1.out 01/26/2009 10:26 AM 8,720 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000048_ClassicAbinitio___lc_1.rng.state.gz 01/26/2009 10:26 AM 8,757 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000048_ClassicAbinitio___lc_2.rng.state.gz 01/26/2009 10:26 AM 12,365 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000048_ClassicAbinitio___lc_2.out 01/26/2009 10:32 AM 8,665 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000049_ClassicAbinitio___lc_1.rng.state.gz 01/26/2009 10:32 AM 12,365 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000049_ClassicAbinitio___lc_1.out 01/26/2009 11:01 AM 12,365 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000051_ClassicAbinitio___lc_2.out 01/26/2009 11:01 AM 8,719 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000051_ClassicAbinitio___lc_2.rng.state.gz 01/26/2009 11:06 AM 8,665 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000052_ClassicAbinitio___lc_1.rng.state.gz 01/26/2009 11:06 AM 12,685 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000052_ClassicAbinitio___lc_1.out 01/26/2009 11:11 AM 8,638 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000053_ClassicAbinitio___lc_1.rng.state.gz 01/26/2009 11:11 AM 12,681 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000053_ClassicAbinitio___lc_1.out 01/26/2009 11:11 AM 8,597 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000053_ClassicAbinitio___lc_2.rng.state.gz 01/26/2009 11:11 AM 12,365 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000053_ClassicAbinitio___lc_2.out 01/26/2009 11:19 AM 12,684 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000054_ClassicAbinitio___lc_1.out 01/26/2009 11:19 AM 8,651 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000054_ClassicAbinitio___lc_1.rng.state.gz 01/26/2009 11:19 AM 8,704 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000054_ClassicAbinitio___lc_2.rng.state.gz 01/26/2009 11:19 AM 12,365 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000054_ClassicAbinitio___lc_2.out 01/26/2009 11:23 AM 8,683 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000055_ClassicAbinitio___lc_1.rng.state.gz 01/26/2009 11:23 AM 12,365 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000055_ClassicAbinitio___lc_1.out 01/26/2009 11:31 AM 8,585 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000056_ClassicAbinitio___lc_1.rng.state.gz 01/26/2009 11:31 AM 12,365 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000056_ClassicAbinitio___lc_1.out 01/26/2009 11:37 AM 8,644 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000057_ClassicAbinitio___lc_1.rng.state.gz 01/26/2009 11:37 AM 12,365 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000057_ClassicAbinitio___lc_1.out 01/26/2009 11:42 AM 8,710 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000058_ClassicAbinitio___lc_1.rng.state.gz 01/26/2009 11:42 AM 12,680 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000058_ClassicAbinitio___lc_1.out 01/26/2009 11:42 AM 12,365 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000058_ClassicAbinitio___lc_2.out 01/26/2009 11:42 AM 8,690 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000058_ClassicAbinitio___lc_2.rng.state.gz 01/26/2009 11:49 AM 12,365 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000059_ClassicAbinitio___lc_1.out 01/26/2009 11:49 AM 8,735 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000059_ClassicAbinitio___lc_1.rng.state.gz 01/26/2009 11:54 AM 12,682 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000060_ClassicAbinitio___lc_1.out 01/26/2009 11:54 AM 8,735 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000060_ClassicAbinitio___lc_1.rng.state.gz 01/26/2009 11:54 AM 12,365 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000060_ClassicAbinitio___lc_2.out 01/26/2009 11:54 AM 8,716 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000060_ClassicAbinitio___lc_2.rng.state.gz 01/26/2009 12:11 PM 8,699 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000061_ClassicAbinitio___lc_1.rng.state.gz 01/26/2009 12:11 PM 12,365 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000061_ClassicAbinitio___lc_1.out 01/26/2009 12:33 PM 8,690 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000064_ClassicAbinitio___lc_1.rng.state.gz 01/26/2009 12:33 PM 12,680 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000064_ClassicAbinitio___lc_1.out 01/26/2009 12:33 PM 8,676 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000064_ClassicAbinitio___lc_2.rng.state.gz 01/26/2009 12:33 PM 12,365 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000064_ClassicAbinitio___lc_2.out 01/26/2009 12:38 PM 8,674 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000065_ClassicAbinitio___lc_1.rng.state.gz 01/26/2009 12:38 PM 12,365 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000065_ClassicAbinitio___lc_1.out 01/26/2009 12:39 PM 8,612 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000039_Abrelax__rg_state_fa.rng.state.gz 01/26/2009 12:39 PM 22,790 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000039_Abrelax__rg_state_fa.out 01/26/2009 12:39 PM 8,661 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000040_Abrelax__rg_state_fa.rng.state.gz 01/26/2009 12:39 PM 22,790 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000040_Abrelax__rg_state_fa.out 01/26/2009 12:39 PM 8,713 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000041_Abrelax__rg_state_fa.rng.state.gz 01/26/2009 12:39 PM 22,790 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000041_Abrelax__rg_state_fa.out 01/26/2009 12:39 PM 8,703 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000042_Abrelax__rg_state_fa.rng.state.gz 01/26/2009 12:39 PM 22,790 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000042_Abrelax__rg_state_fa.out 01/26/2009 12:39 PM 8,631 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000043_Abrelax__rg_state_fa.rng.state.gz 01/26/2009 12:39 PM 22,790 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000043_Abrelax__rg_state_fa.out 01/26/2009 12:39 PM 8,628 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000044_Abrelax__rg_state_fa.rng.state.gz 01/26/2009 12:39 PM 22,790 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000044_Abrelax__rg_state_fa.out 01/26/2009 12:39 PM 8,698 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000045_Abrelax__rg_state_fa.rng.state.gz 01/26/2009 12:39 PM 22,790 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000045_Abrelax__rg_state_fa.out 01/26/2009 12:39 PM 22,790 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000046_Abrelax__rg_state_fa.out 01/26/2009 12:39 PM 8,624 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000046_Abrelax__rg_state_fa.rng.state.gz 01/26/2009 12:39 PM 22,790 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000047_Abrelax__rg_state_fa.out 01/26/2009 12:39 PM 8,674 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000047_Abrelax__rg_state_fa.rng.state.gz 01/26/2009 12:39 PM 8,746 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000048_Abrelax__rg_state_fa.rng.state.gz 01/26/2009 12:39 PM 22,790 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000048_Abrelax__rg_state_fa.out 01/26/2009 12:39 PM 8,642 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000049_Abrelax__rg_state_fa.rng.state.gz 01/26/2009 12:39 PM 22,790 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000049_Abrelax__rg_state_fa.out 01/26/2009 12:39 PM 8,699 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000050_Abrelax__rg_state_fa.rng.state.gz 01/26/2009 12:39 PM 22,790 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000050_Abrelax__rg_state_fa.out 01/26/2009 12:39 PM 8,715 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000051_Abrelax__rg_state_fa.rng.state.gz 01/26/2009 12:39 PM 22,790 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000051_Abrelax__rg_state_fa.out 01/26/2009 12:39 PM 8,779 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000052_Abrelax__rg_state_fa.rng.state.gz 01/26/2009 12:39 PM 22,790 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000052_Abrelax__rg_state_fa.out 01/26/2009 12:39 PM 8,699 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000053_Abrelax__rg_state_fa.rng.state.gz 01/26/2009 12:39 PM 22,790 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000053_Abrelax__rg_state_fa.out 01/26/2009 12:39 PM 22,790 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000054_Abrelax__rg_state_fa.out 01/26/2009 12:39 PM 8,685 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000054_Abrelax__rg_state_fa.rng.state.gz 01/26/2009 12:39 PM 22,790 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000055_Abrelax__rg_state_fa.out 01/26/2009 12:39 PM 8,630 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000055_Abrelax__rg_state_fa.rng.state.gz 01/26/2009 12:39 PM 22,790 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000056_Abrelax__rg_state_fa.out 01/26/2009 12:39 PM 8,764 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000056_Abrelax__rg_state_fa.rng.state.gz 01/26/2009 12:39 PM 8,640 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000057_Abrelax__rg_state_fa.rng.state.gz 01/26/2009 12:39 PM 22,790 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000057_Abrelax__rg_state_fa.out 01/26/2009 12:39 PM 8,688 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000058_Abrelax__rg_state_fa.rng.state.gz 01/26/2009 12:39 PM 22,790 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000058_Abrelax__rg_state_fa.out 01/26/2009 12:39 PM 8,660 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000059_Abrelax__rg_state_fa.rng.state.gz 01/26/2009 12:39 PM 22,790 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000059_Abrelax__rg_state_fa.out 01/26/2009 12:39 PM 8,718 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000060_Abrelax__rg_state_fa.rng.state.gz 01/26/2009 12:39 PM 22,790 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000060_Abrelax__rg_state_fa.out 01/26/2009 12:39 PM 8,636 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000061_Abrelax__rg_state_fa.rng.state.gz 01/26/2009 12:39 PM 22,790 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000061_Abrelax__rg_state_fa.out 01/26/2009 12:39 PM 22,790 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000062_Abrelax__rg_state_fa.out 01/26/2009 12:39 PM 8,655 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000062_Abrelax__rg_state_fa.rng.state.gz 01/26/2009 12:39 PM 8,708 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000063_Abrelax__rg_state_fa.rng.state.gz 01/26/2009 12:39 PM 22,790 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000063_Abrelax__rg_state_fa.out 01/26/2009 12:39 PM 22,790 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000064_Abrelax__rg_state_fa.out 01/26/2009 12:39 PM 8,644 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000064_Abrelax__rg_state_fa.rng.state.gz 01/26/2009 12:39 PM 8,742 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000065_Abrelax__rg_state_fa.rng.state.gz 01/26/2009 12:39 PM 22,790 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000065_Abrelax__rg_state_fa.out 01/26/2009 12:39 PM 22,790 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000066_Abrelax__rg_state_fa.out 01/26/2009 12:39 PM 8,707 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000066_Abrelax__rg_state_fa.rng.state.gz 01/26/2009 12:43 PM 12,365 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000066_ClassicAbinitio___lc_1.out 01/26/2009 12:43 PM 8,617 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000066_ClassicAbinitio___lc_1.rng.state.gz 01/26/2009 12:49 PM 12,680 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000067_ClassicAbinitio___lc_1.out 01/26/2009 12:49 PM 8,669 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000067_ClassicAbinitio___lc_1.rng.state.gz 01/26/2009 12:54 PM 8,728 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000068_ClassicAbinitio___lc_1.rng.state.gz 01/26/2009 12:54 PM 12,365 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000068_ClassicAbinitio___lc_1.out 01/26/2009 01:06 PM 8,640 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000070_ClassicAbinitio___lc_1.rng.state.gz 01/26/2009 01:06 PM 12,365 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000070_ClassicAbinitio___lc_1.out 01/26/2009 01:13 PM 12,910 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000071_ClassicAbinitio___lc_1.out 01/26/2009 01:13 PM 8,664 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000071_ClassicAbinitio___lc_1.rng.state.gz 01/26/2009 01:13 PM 12,667 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000071_ClassicAbinitio___lc_2.out 01/26/2009 01:13 PM 8,671 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000071_ClassicAbinitio___lc_2.rng.state.gz 01/26/2009 01:18 PM 12,911 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000072_ClassicAbinitio___lc_1.out 01/26/2009 01:18 PM 8,563 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000072_ClassicAbinitio___lc_1.rng.state.gz 01/26/2009 01:24 PM 12,365 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000073_ClassicAbinitio___lc_1.out 01/26/2009 01:24 PM 8,634 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000073_ClassicAbinitio___lc_1.rng.state.gz 01/26/2009 01:46 PM 8,680 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000074_ClassicAbinitio___lc_1.rng.state.gz 01/26/2009 01:46 PM 12,365 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000074_ClassicAbinitio___lc_1.out 01/26/2009 01:55 PM 12,925 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000075_ClassicAbinitio___lc_1.out 01/26/2009 01:55 PM 8,745 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000075_ClassicAbinitio___lc_1.rng.state.gz 01/26/2009 01:55 PM 12,680 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000075_ClassicAbinitio___lc_2.out 01/26/2009 01:55 PM 8,620 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000075_ClassicAbinitio___lc_2.rng.state.gz 01/26/2009 01:55 PM 8,699 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000075_ClassicAbinitio___lc_3.rng.state.gz 01/26/2009 01:55 PM 12,365 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000075_ClassicAbinitio___lc_3.out 01/26/2009 02:04 PM 8,708 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000076_ClassicAbinitio___lc_1.rng.state.gz 01/26/2009 02:04 PM 12,685 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000076_ClassicAbinitio___lc_1.out 01/26/2009 02:04 PM 12,365 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000076_ClassicAbinitio___lc_2.out 01/26/2009 02:04 PM 8,676 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000076_ClassicAbinitio___lc_2.rng.state.gz 01/26/2009 02:12 PM 12,687 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000077_ClassicAbinitio___lc_1.out 01/26/2009 02:12 PM 8,717 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000077_ClassicAbinitio___lc_1.rng.state.gz 01/26/2009 02:12 PM 8,686 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000077_ClassicAbinitio___lc_2.rng.state.gz 01/26/2009 02:12 PM 12,365 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000077_ClassicAbinitio___lc_2.out 01/26/2009 02:17 PM 12,365 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000078_ClassicAbinitio___lc_1.out 01/26/2009 02:17 PM 8,684 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000078_ClassicAbinitio___lc_1.rng.state.gz 01/26/2009 02:25 PM 8,666 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000079_ClassicAbinitio___lc_1.rng.state.gz 01/26/2009 02:25 PM 12,365 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000079_ClassicAbinitio___lc_1.out 01/26/2009 02:31 PM 12,365 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000080_ClassicAbinitio___lc_1.out 01/26/2009 02:31 PM 8,595 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000080_ClassicAbinitio___lc_1.rng.state.gz 01/26/2009 02:36 PM 12,365 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000081_ClassicAbinitio___lc_1.out 01/26/2009 02:36 PM 8,681 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000081_ClassicAbinitio___lc_1.rng.state.gz 01/26/2009 02:49 PM 8,640 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000082_ClassicAbinitio___lc_1.rng.state.gz 01/26/2009 02:49 PM 12,909 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000082_ClassicAbinitio___lc_1.out 01/26/2009 02:49 PM 12,681 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000082_ClassicAbinitio___lc_2.out 01/26/2009 02:49 PM 8,708 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000082_ClassicAbinitio___lc_2.rng.state.gz 01/26/2009 02:49 PM 8,660 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000082_ClassicAbinitio___lc_3.rng.state.gz 01/26/2009 02:49 PM 12,365 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000082_ClassicAbinitio___lc_3.out 01/26/2009 02:59 PM 12,909 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000083_ClassicAbinitio___lc_1.out 01/26/2009 02:59 PM 8,654 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000083_ClassicAbinitio___lc_1.rng.state.gz 01/26/2009 03:04 PM 12,680 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000084_ClassicAbinitio___lc_1.out 01/26/2009 03:04 PM 8,647 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000084_ClassicAbinitio___lc_1.rng.state.gz 01/26/2009 03:04 PM 8,685 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000084_ClassicAbinitio___lc_2.rng.state.gz 01/26/2009 03:04 PM 12,365 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000084_ClassicAbinitio___lc_2.out 01/26/2009 03:09 PM 12,365 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000085_ClassicAbinitio___lc_1.out 01/26/2009 03:09 PM 8,680 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000085_ClassicAbinitio___lc_1.rng.state.gz 01/26/2009 03:15 PM 8,709 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000086_ClassicAbinitio___lc_1.rng.state.gz 01/26/2009 03:15 PM 12,679 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000086_ClassicAbinitio___lc_1.out 01/26/2009 03:15 PM 8,737 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000086_ClassicAbinitio___lc_2.rng.state.gz 01/26/2009 03:15 PM 12,365 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000086_ClassicAbinitio___lc_2.out 01/26/2009 03:20 PM 8,699 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000087_ClassicAbinitio___lc_1.rng.state.gz 01/26/2009 03:20 PM 12,913 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000087_ClassicAbinitio___lc_1.out 01/26/2009 03:25 PM 8,667 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000088_ClassicAbinitio___lc_1.rng.state.gz 01/26/2009 03:25 PM 12,365 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000088_ClassicAbinitio___lc_1.out 01/26/2009 03:30 PM 8,683 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000089_ClassicAbinitio___lc_1.rng.state.gz 01/26/2009 03:30 PM 12,365 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000089_ClassicAbinitio___lc_1.out 01/26/2009 03:36 PM 8,707 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000090_ClassicAbinitio___lc_1.rng.state.gz 01/26/2009 03:36 PM 12,365 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000090_ClassicAbinitio___lc_1.out 01/26/2009 03:42 PM 8,750 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000091_ClassicAbinitio___lc_1.rng.state.gz 01/26/2009 03:42 PM 12,681 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000091_ClassicAbinitio___lc_1.out 01/26/2009 03:42 PM 12,365 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000091_ClassicAbinitio___lc_2.out 01/26/2009 03:42 PM 8,668 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000091_ClassicAbinitio___lc_2.rng.state.gz 01/26/2009 03:47 PM 8,737 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000092_ClassicAbinitio___lc_1.rng.state.gz 01/26/2009 03:47 PM 12,664 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000092_ClassicAbinitio___lc_1.out 01/26/2009 03:52 PM 8,605 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000093_ClassicAbinitio___lc_1.rng.state.gz 01/26/2009 03:52 PM 12,365 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000093_ClassicAbinitio___lc_1.out 01/26/2009 04:24 PM 8,644 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000094_ClassicAbinitio___lc_1.rng.state.gz 01/26/2009 04:24 PM 12,683 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000094_ClassicAbinitio___lc_1.out 01/26/2009 04:24 PM 12,365 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000094_ClassicAbinitio___lc_2.out 01/26/2009 04:24 PM 8,725 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000094_ClassicAbinitio___lc_2.rng.state.gz 01/26/2009 04:26 PM 22,790 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000068_Abrelax__rg_state_fa.out 01/26/2009 04:26 PM 8,632 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000068_Abrelax__rg_state_fa.rng.state.gz 01/26/2009 04:26 PM 8,752 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000069_Abrelax__rg_state_fa.rng.state.gz 01/26/2009 04:26 PM 22,790 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000069_Abrelax__rg_state_fa.out 01/26/2009 04:26 PM 8,665 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000070_Abrelax__rg_state_fa.rng.state.gz 01/26/2009 04:26 PM 22,790 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000070_Abrelax__rg_state_fa.out 01/26/2009 04:26 PM 8,704 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000071_Abrelax__rg_state_fa.rng.state.gz 01/26/2009 04:26 PM 22,790 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000071_Abrelax__rg_state_fa.out 01/26/2009 04:26 PM 22,790 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000072_Abrelax__rg_state_fa.out 01/26/2009 04:26 PM 8,701 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000072_Abrelax__rg_state_fa.rng.state.gz 01/26/2009 04:26 PM 8,700 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000073_Abrelax__rg_state_fa.rng.state.gz 01/26/2009 04:26 PM 22,790 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000073_Abrelax__rg_state_fa.out 01/26/2009 04:26 PM 8,649 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000074_Abrelax__rg_state_fa.rng.state.gz 01/26/2009 04:26 PM 22,790 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000074_Abrelax__rg_state_fa.out 01/26/2009 04:26 PM 8,632 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000075_Abrelax__rg_state_fa.rng.state.gz 01/26/2009 04:26 PM 22,790 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000075_Abrelax__rg_state_fa.out 01/26/2009 04:26 PM 22,790 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000076_Abrelax__rg_state_fa.out 01/26/2009 04:26 PM 8,644 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000076_Abrelax__rg_state_fa.rng.state.gz 01/26/2009 04:26 PM 8,678 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000077_Abrelax__rg_state_fa.rng.state.gz 01/26/2009 04:26 PM 22,790 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000077_Abrelax__rg_state_fa.out 01/26/2009 04:26 PM 8,679 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000078_Abrelax__rg_state_fa.rng.state.gz 01/26/2009 04:26 PM 22,790 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000078_Abrelax__rg_state_fa.out 01/26/2009 04:26 PM 8,772 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000079_Abrelax__rg_state_fa.rng.state.gz 01/26/2009 04:26 PM 22,790 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000079_Abrelax__rg_state_fa.out 01/26/2009 04:26 PM 22,790 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000080_Abrelax__rg_state_fa.out 01/26/2009 04:26 PM 8,654 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000080_Abrelax__rg_state_fa.rng.state.gz 01/26/2009 04:26 PM 22,790 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000081_Abrelax__rg_state_fa.out 01/26/2009 04:26 PM 8,646 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000081_Abrelax__rg_state_fa.rng.state.gz 01/26/2009 04:26 PM 8,691 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000082_Abrelax__rg_state_fa.rng.state.gz 01/26/2009 04:26 PM 22,790 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000082_Abrelax__rg_state_fa.out 01/26/2009 04:26 PM 8,600 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000083_Abrelax__rg_state_fa.rng.state.gz 01/26/2009 04:26 PM 22,790 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000083_Abrelax__rg_state_fa.out 01/26/2009 04:26 PM 8,711 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000084_Abrelax__rg_state_fa.rng.state.gz 01/26/2009 04:26 PM 22,790 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000084_Abrelax__rg_state_fa.out 01/26/2009 04:26 PM 22,790 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000085_Abrelax__rg_state_fa.out 01/26/2009 04:26 PM 8,603 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000085_Abrelax__rg_state_fa.rng.state.gz 01/26/2009 04:26 PM 8,652 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000086_Abrelax__rg_state_fa.rng.state.gz 01/26/2009 04:26 PM 22,790 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000086_Abrelax__rg_state_fa.out 01/26/2009 04:26 PM 8,671 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000087_Abrelax__rg_state_fa.rng.state.gz 01/26/2009 04:26 PM 22,790 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000087_Abrelax__rg_state_fa.out 01/26/2009 04:26 PM 8,680 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000088_Abrelax__rg_state_fa.rng.state.gz 01/26/2009 04:26 PM 22,790 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000088_Abrelax__rg_state_fa.out 01/26/2009 04:26 PM 8,702 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000089_Abrelax__rg_state_fa.rng.state.gz 01/26/2009 04:26 PM 22,790 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000089_Abrelax__rg_state_fa.out 01/26/2009 04:26 PM 8,635 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000090_Abrelax__rg_state_fa.rng.state.gz 01/26/2009 04:26 PM 22,790 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000090_Abrelax__rg_state_fa.out 01/26/2009 04:26 PM 8,590 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000091_Abrelax__rg_state_fa.rng.state.gz 01/26/2009 04:26 PM 22,790 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000091_Abrelax__rg_state_fa.out 01/26/2009 04:26 PM 8,716 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000092_Abrelax__rg_state_fa.rng.state.gz 01/26/2009 04:26 PM 22,790 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000092_Abrelax__rg_state_fa.out 01/26/2009 04:26 PM 22,790 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000093_Abrelax__rg_state_fa.out 01/26/2009 04:26 PM 8,746 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000093_Abrelax__rg_state_fa.rng.state.gz 01/26/2009 04:26 PM 8,721 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000094_Abrelax__rg_state_fa.rng.state.gz 01/26/2009 04:26 PM 22,790 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000094_Abrelax__rg_state_fa.out 01/26/2009 04:26 PM 22,790 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000095_Abrelax__rg_state_fa.out 01/26/2009 04:26 PM 8,648 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000095_Abrelax__rg_state_fa.rng.state.gz 01/26/2009 04:30 PM 8,701 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000095_ClassicAbinitio___lc_1.rng.state.gz 01/26/2009 04:30 PM 12,365 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000095_ClassicAbinitio___lc_1.out 01/26/2009 04:38 PM 8,630 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000096_ClassicAbinitio___lc_1.rng.state.gz 01/26/2009 04:38 PM 12,680 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000096_ClassicAbinitio___lc_1.out 01/26/2009 04:38 PM 12,365 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000096_ClassicAbinitio___lc_2.out 01/26/2009 04:38 PM 7,780 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000096_ClassicAbinitio___lc_2.rng.state.gz 01/26/2009 04:51 PM 12,680 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000098_ClassicAbinitio___lc_1.out 01/26/2009 04:51 PM 8,701 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000098_ClassicAbinitio___lc_1.rng.state.gz 01/26/2009 04:51 PM 12,365 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000098_ClassicAbinitio___lc_2.out 01/26/2009 04:51 PM 8,685 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000098_ClassicAbinitio___lc_2.rng.state.gz 01/26/2009 04:56 PM 8,696 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000099_ClassicAbinitio___lc_1.rng.state.gz 01/26/2009 04:56 PM 12,365 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000099_ClassicAbinitio___lc_1.out 01/26/2009 05:01 PM 8,717 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000100_ClassicAbinitio___lc_1.rng.state.gz 01/26/2009 05:01 PM 12,365 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000100_ClassicAbinitio___lc_1.out 01/26/2009 05:09 PM 8,720 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000101_ClassicAbinitio___lc_1.rng.state.gz 01/26/2009 05:09 PM 12,664 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000101_ClassicAbinitio___lc_1.out 01/26/2009 05:36 PM 12,680 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000102_ClassicAbinitio___lc_2.out 01/26/2009 05:36 PM 8,689 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000102_ClassicAbinitio___lc_2.rng.state.gz 01/26/2009 05:36 PM 8,696 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000102_ClassicAbinitio___lc_3.rng.state.gz 01/26/2009 05:36 PM 12,365 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000102_ClassicAbinitio___lc_3.out 01/26/2009 05:43 PM 81,786 score.fsc 01/26/2009 05:43 PM 2,225,351 default.out 01/26/2009 05:43 PM 8,688 rng.state.gz 01/26/2009 05:43 PM 3 boinc_checkpoint_count.txt 01/26/2009 05:43 PM 10,423 jumps_pre.log 01/26/2009 05:43 PM 5,969 stderr.txt 01/26/2009 05:47 PM 658 stderrgfx.txt 01/26/2009 05:48 PM 8,639 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000104_ClassicAbinitio___lc_1.rng.state.gz 01/26/2009 05:48 PM 12,680 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000104_ClassicAbinitio___lc_1.out 01/26/2009 05:48 PM 8,660 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000104_ClassicAbinitio___lc_2.rng.state.gz 01/26/2009 05:48 PM 12,365 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000104_ClassicAbinitio___lc_2.out 01/26/2009 05:48 PM 13,158 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000105_ClassicAbinitio__stage_1.out 01/26/2009 05:48 PM 8,676 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000105_ClassicAbinitio__stage_1.rng.state.gz 01/26/2009 05:48 PM 8,826 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000105_ClassicAbinitio__stage_2.rng.state.gz 01/26/2009 05:48 PM 13,234 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000105_ClassicAbinitio__stage_2.out 01/26/2009 05:48 PM 8,635 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000105_ClassicAbinitio__stage_3_iter1_1.rng.state.gz 01/26/2009 05:48 PM 13,888 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000105_ClassicAbinitio__stage_3_iter1_1.out 01/26/2009 05:48 PM 8,658 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000105_ClassicAbinitio__stage_3_iter1_2.rng.state.gz 01/26/2009 05:48 PM 13,888 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000105_ClassicAbinitio__stage_3_iter1_2.out 01/26/2009 05:48 PM 8,657 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000105_ClassicAbinitio__stage_3_iter1_3.rng.state.gz 01/26/2009 05:48 PM 13,994 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000105_ClassicAbinitio__stage_3_iter1_3.out 01/26/2009 05:48 PM 8,699 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000105_ClassicAbinitio__stage_3_iter1_4.rng.state.gz 01/26/2009 05:48 PM 13,994 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000105_ClassicAbinitio__stage_3_iter1_4.out 01/26/2009 05:48 PM 13,994 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000105_ClassicAbinitio__stage_3_iter1_5.out 01/26/2009 05:48 PM 8,688 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000105_ClassicAbinitio__stage_3_iter1_5.rng.state.gz 01/26/2009 05:48 PM 13,994 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000105_ClassicAbinitio__stage_3_iter1_6.out 01/26/2009 05:48 PM 8,659 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000105_ClassicAbinitio__stage_3_iter1_6.rng.state.gz 01/26/2009 05:48 PM 14,102 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000105_ClassicAbinitio__stage_3_iter1_7.out 01/26/2009 05:48 PM 8,632 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000105_ClassicAbinitio__stage_3_iter1_7.rng.state.gz 01/26/2009 05:48 PM 8,655 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000105_ClassicAbinitio__stage_3_iter1_8.rng.state.gz 01/26/2009 05:48 PM 14,102 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000105_ClassicAbinitio__stage_3_iter1_8.out 01/26/2009 05:48 PM 8,591 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000105_ClassicAbinitio__stage_3_iter1_9.rng.state.gz 01/26/2009 05:48 PM 14,210 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000105_ClassicAbinitio__stage_3_iter1_9.out 01/26/2009 05:48 PM 8,674 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000105_ClassicAbinitio__stage_3_iter1_10.rng.state.gz 01/26/2009 05:48 PM 14,289 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000105_ClassicAbinitio__stage_3_iter1_10.out 01/26/2009 05:48 PM 8,715 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000105_ClassicAbinitio__stage4_kk_1.rng.state.gz 01/26/2009 05:48 PM 13,938 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000105_ClassicAbinitio__stage4_kk_1.out 01/26/2009 05:48 PM 13,938 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000105_ClassicAbinitio__stage4_kk_2.out 01/26/2009 05:48 PM 8,619 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000105_ClassicAbinitio__stage4_kk_2.rng.state.gz 01/26/2009 05:48 PM 8,640 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000105_ClassicAbinitio__stage4_kk_3.rng.state.gz 01/26/2009 05:48 PM <DIR> .. 01/26/2009 05:48 PM 13,938 chk_S_1UB9A_2_00000105_ClassicAbinitio__stage4_kk_3.out 01/26/2009 05:48 PM <DIR> . 01/26/2009 05:48 PM 10,423 jumps.log 01/26/2009 05:49 PM 60,626 stdout.txt Perhaps you could offer advice on how to look for any checkpointing problems. It seems it is either writing checkpoints more then it should... sometimes. Or, that it's got some models that complete in less then a minute and others that run for some time. If you could tell us more about the naming used on these files, I guess that would clear up some of my doubts on what I'm looking at, and for. |
![]() Send message Joined: 7 Mar 06 Posts: 313 Credit: 116,623 RAC: 0 |
I was starting to think that must be what was occuring. And also was thinking that once the model was completed, that these temp files should be deletable. So, great minds think alike I guess... and so do we! Glad the info. came of some good use. |
![]() Send message Joined: 7 Mar 06 Posts: 313 Credit: 116,623 RAC: 0 |
Its not suuuuuper urgent... Agreed. The only ill effect should be slightly higher disk space usage. Even then, it should still be within the normal range. |
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