Posts by sgaboinc

1) Message boards : News : Rosetta version 4.20 released for testing (Message 6786)
Posted 1 May 2020 by sgaboinc
got 2 additional 4.20 wu running on Pi4 is downloaded only once when the initial task previously is received
it is more space efficient as well, previously 3-4 tasks pretty much consumed 4GB space.
now only 1.55 GB is used after 3 wu are downloaded and running
2) Message boards : News : Rosetta version 4.20 released for testing (Message 6784)
Posted 1 May 2020 by sgaboinc
i've got one 4.20 thread started on Pi4 Arm Aarch64
download went through ok and it is running.
due to low disk space and i'm running 3 concurrent threads 2 of them rosetta threads and one is 4.20 from ralph
i'd await the next fetch for more threads on ralph
3) Message boards : News : Rosetta version 4.20 released for testing (Message 6783)
Posted 1 May 2020 by sgaboinc
but literally how do the fallback happen? would that means a new selection option in preferences?
it may help to amass an 'faq' for this new 'feature'.
my thoughts are that in addition, users can examine log files or online logs for errors of the failed jobs and perhaps fix permissions problems in the project folder
4) Message boards : News : Rosetta version 4.20 released for testing (Message 6782)
Posted 1 May 2020 by sgaboinc
testing on linux
boinc-client pulled 10 wu at a go, it used to be less and normally 1 task per core 8 wu
it seemed there is a risk those who set a large task cache may download a large number of tasks.
i'm changing the task cache as 0 forwards
5) Message boards : Number crunching : Ralph and SSEx (Message 6030)
Posted 29 Jan 2016 by sgaboinc

most 'glaring' is average credit per cpu,
the performance difference between:
the older os mostly 32 bits and very likely the older cpus
the newer os mostly 64 bits and very likely a recent cpu

is more than 40 times for the average case i.e.20 : 0.5
to more than 1400 times for the extreme case i.e. 440 : 0.3

It's time to abandon 32 bit development

note that the real difference comes from the *CPU*, those 32 bit os (e.g. Windows XP) likely runs on an old CPU. think of it as an extreme case of a 80386 (don't even bother with MMX) vs today's top-of-the-line skylake CPUs (with its 64 bits os) it may well be more than a million times of difference in Gflops :o :p lol
6) Message boards : Number crunching : Ralph and SSEx (Message 6029)
Posted 29 Jan 2016 by sgaboinc
on this topic, it may be also good to mention that modern compilers are sophisticated. even recent versions of open sourced compilers such as gcc and llvm has pretty advanced/sophisticated *auto-vectorization* features

while that may not produce the most tuned codes, it is probably an incorrect notion that r@h don't have SSEn/AVXn optimizations, the compiler may have embedded some of such SSEn/AVXn optimizations.

this may somewhat explain the somewhat higher performance of r@h in 64bits linux vs say 64 bits windows in the statistics. This is because the combination of optimised 64 bits binaries running in 64 bits linux would most likely have (possibly significantly) better performance compared to 32 bits (possibly less optimised) binaries running in 64 bits windows

i.e. windows platform may see (significant) performance gains just compiling and releasing 64 bit binaries targeting 64 bits windows platforms with a modern / recent sophisticated compiler
7) Message boards : Number crunching : Ralph and SSEx (Message 6028)
Posted 29 Jan 2016 by sgaboinc

On all my 64 bit pcs i have
26/01/2016 17:09 44.981.760 minirosetta_3.71_windows_x86_64.exe
26/01/2016 17:09 197.960.494
26/01/2016 17:07 18.851.840 minirosetta_graphics_3.71_windows_x86_64.exe

So i think i'm crunching 64 bit app.
minirosetta_graphics_3.71_i686-pc-linux-gnu 20-Jan-2016 15:26 44M
minirosetta_graphics_3.71_windows_intelx86.exe 20-Jan-2016 15:26 18M
minirosetta_graphics_3.71_windows_x86_64.exe 20-Jan-2016 15:26 18M
minirosetta_graphics_3.71_x86_64-pc-linux-gnu 20-Jan-2016 15:26 36M

#file minirosetta_graphics_3.71_windows_*
minirosetta_graphics_3.71_windows_intelx86.exe: PE32 executable (GUI) Intel 80386, for MS Windows
minirosetta_graphics_3.71_windows_x86_64.exe: PE32 executable (GUI) Intel 80386, for MS Windows

#md5sum minirosetta_graphics_3.71_windows_*
0aa3534b9311df4e87abec5ce131c37c minirosetta_graphics_3.71_windows_intelx86.exe
0aa3534b9311df4e87abec5ce131c37c minirosetta_graphics_3.71_windows_x86_64.exe

the commands are run in linux, but i'd guess u may have figured out what this means :D

only good thing is the windows binaries is 1/2 the sizes on linux
8) Message boards : Number crunching : Ralph and SSEx (Message 6025)
Posted 29 Jan 2016 by sgaboinc
some interesting breakdown based on os:
date: 2016-01-29
rank    os                                      num os       total credit     av credit   cred per cpu  av credit/cpu
1  Microsoft Windows XP Professional            573740   6,452,074,082.28    294,408.73      11,245.64       0.51
2  Linux                                        136915   5,484,967,387.64  3,587,575.69      40,061.11      26.20
3  Microsoft Windows 7 Pro x64 Edition           54892   3,611,702,243.18  4,275,172.64      65,796.51      77.88
4  Microsoft Windows 7 Ultimate x64 Edition      93509   2,647,882,818.31  2,440,252.87      28,316.88      26.10
5  Microsoft Windows 7 Home Premium x64 Edn      78359   2,532,615,926.53  1,824,411.40      32,320.68      23.28
6  Microsoft Windows 7 Enterprise x64 Edn        11310   1,321,734,043.18  1,081,802.64     116,864.19      95.65
7  Microsoft Windows 10 Prof x64 Edition          6054   1,080,762,908.70  2,668,200.91     178,520.47     440.73
8  Microsoft Windows XP Home                    100297     883,771,779.68     30,043.58       8,811.55       0.30
9  Microsoft Windows 8.1 Prof x64 Edn            19536     716,854,732.39  1,679,819.20      36,694.04      85.99
10 Microsoft Windows 8.1 Core x64 Edn            27398     564,739,102.16  1,632,035.78      20,612.42      59.57

most 'glaring' is average credit per cpu,
the performance difference between:
the older os mostly 32 bits and very likely the older cpus
the newer os mostly 64 bits and very likely a recent cpu

is more than 40 times for the average case i.e.20 : 0.5
to more than 1400 times for the extreme case i.e. 440 : 0.3

the other detail is linux which is a mixed bag of old & new cpus but benefits from having a true 64 bits r@h binary is fast chasing up pole position no 1 & i'd guess would soon overtake #1 position

& that 'benchmark' is none other than rosetta@home :o lol
conclusion? to get a good perf running r@h? run 64 bits linux & get a fast modern cpu e.g. the skylakes for now (& lots of ram to keep it in memory) :D
9) Message boards : Number crunching : Ralph and SSEx (Message 6024)
Posted 29 Jan 2016 by sgaboinc

IMO, they would be best served by working on their infrastructure to partition the crunchers by machine capability. They currently know if a machine is Windows, Linux or MAC OS and send different applications to those groups. Rosetta also knows the population of machines in each of those groups that support SSEx, AVXy, FMA, ... They currently only send a 32-bit generic application to all Windows machines. I think the first experiment would be to detect 64-bit Windows machines that support SSEx or AVXy (whatever makes sense) and send a tuned application. That would allow them to build out the harness to support that.

good point ! :)

took a look at an 'inside' url
and found indeed that
#file minirosetta_3.71_windows_x86_64.exe
minirosetta_3.71_windows_x86_64.exe: PE32 executable (console) Intel 80386, for MS Windows

i'd think even today with existing setup, the servers can distribute 64 bit binaries for windows. distributing a 64 bit binary for 64 bits windows platform may indeed see perhaps a 10-15% improvement per core and if there are 4 cores it may well be an 'extra' 40-60% of a single core performance. & there is no need to 'care' about AVXn/SSEn (compilers may attempt to vectorize where optimization is selected) just yet, & 64 bits apps would enable runs that needs > 4GB to work as well

that 32 v 64 bit performance gains may be 'quantified' such as:
of course 1 of the caveat is: that is linpack benchmark ('easily' vectorizable) & that it is SSE2
10) Message boards : RALPH@home bug list : Rosetta mini beta and/or android 3.61-3.83 (Message 5998)
Posted 15 Jan 2016 by sgaboinc

It is about initial starting/initialization of few new WUs in parallel - because at this point full rosetta database (which now HUGE ~4000 files, ~350 Mb) + WUs data is extracting from project folder to dataslotsx folders for each WU. This put really high stress and slowdown on HDDs.

u may like to try out running R@h/Ralph on Linux, i saw that Linux tend to use huge disk cache some 1GB quite common, i'd think that could account for part of the efficiency of running R@h/Ralph on Linux vs MS Win. i'd think that'd even beat SSD in speed. Just that u'd need sufficient RAM to buffer the number of parallel threads running concurrently :)
11) Message boards : Number crunching : Ralph support OpenCL ? (Message 5931)
Posted 18 Nov 2015 by sgaboinc
a muse on vectorized computing SSE/AVX/AVX2/OpenCL e.g. GPU

there has been quite a bit of talk about vectorized computing i.e. the use os GPU and AVX2 for highly vectorized computing etc

i actually did a little bit of experiment, i'm running on haswell i7 4771 (non-k)
asus h87-pro motherboard & 16G 1600ghz ram

i tried openblas

these are the benchmarks
   SIZE       Residual     Decompose            Solve           Total
   100 :   4.529710e-14      503.14 MFlops    2000.00 MFlops     514.36 MFlops
   500 :   1.103118e-12     8171.54 MFlops    3676.47 MFlops    8112.38 MFlops
  1000 :   5.629275e-12    45060.27 MFlops    2747.25 MFlops   43075.87 MFlops
  5000 :   1.195055e-11   104392.81 MFlops    3275.04 MFlops  102495.20 MFlops
 10000 :   1.529443e-11   129210.71 MFlops    3465.54 MFlops  127819.77 MFlops

ok quite impressive ~128 Gflops on a haswell i7 desktop PC running at only 3.7ghz!
that almost compare to an 'old' supercomputer Numerical wind tunnel in Tokyo

but what become immediately very apparent is also that only very large matrices 10,000 x 10,000 benefits from the vectorized codes (i.e. AVX2) in the *decompose* part. if you have tiny matrices say 100x100 in size that gives a paltry 514.36 Mflops, less than 100 times (or could say 1/200) of that speed of 10,000 x 10,000.

The other apparent thing is the *solve* part of the computation, you could see that while the decompose part which involves a matrix multiplication (e.g. DGEMM) can reach speeds of 128 Ghz, *but* the *solve* part *did not benefit* from all that AVX2 vectorized codes showing little improvements for different matrices sizes!

this has major implications, it means that whether you have a good cpu with AVX2 etc or that you have a large GPU that can process say vectorized / parallel 1000s floating point calcs per clock cycle.

But if your problems are small (e.g. 100x100) or that it cannot benefit from such vectorized codes much of that GPU capacity and even for this instance AVX2 may simply be *unused* and will *not benefit* from all that expensive vectorized hardware (e.g. AVX2 and expensive GPU cards capable of processing possibly thousands of vector computation per cycle, e.g. thousands of gpu simd cores)

i'd guess this reflect in a way Amdahl's law

Gene Amdahl passed away recently & perhaps this could be a little tribute to him for having 'seen so far ahead' from back then.
12) Message boards : Number crunching : Ralph and SSEx (Message 5891)
Posted 28 Sep 2015 by sgaboinc
64 bits speeds up double precision floating point maths quite a bit, i'd think this mainly applies to SIMD/SSE/AVX type of computations

it appear there is perhaps a 20% gain between 32 bits & 64 bits
13) Message boards : RALPH@home bug list : minirosetta beta 3.50-3.52 apps (Message 5772)
Posted 27 Jul 2014 by sgaboinc
It is NOT "faulty boinc-client s/w." OR " statistics is 'lost' on a shutdown/restart"

It is faulty rosetta software (or particular WUs batch) - it simply not write checkpoints at all (i already check this - intermediate checkpoints in last Wus batches not working, seems only full/finished models saved to disk). So at each restart ALL work already done before restart went to trash can. And start work from scratch after restart.
So BOINC software do right when reset statistic and credits to zero too because: 0 useful work done = 0 Cr

hi Max,
Thanks much for your post, I think i can confirm your observation:
There is no checkpoint !

all 6 concurrent ralph@home tasks did not checkpoint after running for more than an hour.
this is a screen print, time of last checkpoint is --
and elapsed time is some 1 hour 15 minutes

compared to a a concurrently running task from rosetta@home

the rosetta@home task is checkpointing well as indicated by the time of last checkpoint

note that apparently the minirosetta 3.52, 2.53 (beta) binaries running on ralph@home and rosetta@home are the same

note that all these ralph@home and rosetta@home sessions are running concurrently in the same boinc-client (7.0.36) !

some error in the job run parameters or that it's necessary to improve minirosetta to make such complex jobs/tasks checkpoint?
14) Message boards : RALPH@home bug list : minirosetta beta 3.50-3.52 apps (Message 5764)
Posted 22 Jul 2014 by sgaboinc
i've observed cases where granted credit > claimed credit

I know, i know the "problem" granted/claimed. I hope you realize i don't partecipate for credits :-)

hope admins consider that and enhance the server codes.

This request is repeated frequently on Rosetta forum.
Other volunteers have suggested that it is a problem of customization of actual server. But admins have not said anything.

strictly speaking i'm speculating a possible factor for the low credits is mainly an *instance* caused (most likely) by faulty boinc-client s/w. as statistics is 'lost' on a shutdown/restart, it 'mis-reports' credits to the server. as the claimed credits is much lower after the restart it affects the average credits that's awarded to the task and any later participants. while i normally ignore them (as like u credits aren't really the purpose to crunch rosetta), it may make some participants unhappy about the low granted credits esp for those who pick up the subsequent same jobs. the solution of course is to fix my (an instance of) faulty boinc client, but i'm just putting in my 2 cents reasoning on the 'collerateral damage' that others may observe. my guess is that this issue may be partially alleviated from the server if the server ignores exceptionally low credits when computing the granted credits.

i'm not too sure if there may better way to award 'credits', however, taking an average of reported claimed credits is after all a good way to measure the work done statistically averaged across different systems. just that in this 'simple' points(credit) system, it is prone to be affected by 'mis-behaving' clients. i guess there really aren't perfect solutions

i'd soon upgrade my client, hopefully that'd 'fix' some of the statistical issues from my little leaf node
15) Message boards : RALPH@home bug list : minirosetta beta 3.50-3.52 apps (Message 5762)
Posted 22 Jul 2014 by sgaboinc
Wow, 20 points for over 6h of run :-P

Validate state Valid
Claimed credit 78.0462089549509
Granted credit 20

based on what i understand from rosetta@home message boards, the granted credit which tend to be different (not necessarily lower) is apparently due to averages being used. i've observed cases where granted credit > claimed credit

i.e. every participant's PC claim a certain number of computed credits (this is the actual cpu work done), if there is no fraud claim credits is actually *accurate*. however what's granted is the average

apparently as i've posted earlier in this thread there are bugs in boinc client, in my case if i suspend the jobs and shutdown the clients and restart them later, statistics for the initial run could be lost. however, apparently rosetta did checkpoint successfully and resumed from the point it is restated. hence, if the task is say 100 credits, and if the shutdown occur at 99 credits worth of cpu time, when i restart those tasks that's affected by the boinc client bug, it would complete that and claim 1 credit. that would *wrongly* imply that a 100 credits job can be done in 1 credit effort (this is completely inaccurate)

rosetta should built-in in the formula to reject out of band claimed credit for jobs. this can be done by taking standard deviations and rejecting those falling more than one or 1.96 (95% confidence interval, standard deviations below the statistical averages when computing the granted credits. that should result in the higher claim credits being averaged to reflect the true effort needed to complete the tasks

hope admins consider that and enhance the server codes.
rosetta@home/ralph@home should not be 'stingy' with credits as those are *true work done* and the project as a whole is competing with other boinc projects to show that they are popular projects that's getting the participant's attention (it is a very good form of free advertising for the project)
16) Message boards : RALPH@home bug list : minirosetta beta 3.50-3.52 apps (Message 5758)
Posted 20 Jul 2014 by sgaboinc
remaining 4 Tc804_symm_hybrid work units completed successfully no errors, 4,763.77 cpu secs, 4,601.52 cpu secs, 4,476.31 cpu secs, 8,502.676 cpu secs
cpu time varies as it seemed, after all psuedorandom numbers are involved in the simulations/solution search

those that clocked 4k cpu secs could be jobs that show up as 0% in bonic-client / gui after the shutdown interruption. that may suggest some bugs (not sure where/which app boinc-client, or rosetta) in updating the state xml statistics files. i.e. bonic-client/gui restarted showing 0%, however, rosetta probably did save the state and hence 3 jobs suggestively ended in half the timeframe. i.e. the statistics for the cpusecs is incorrect, those 3 jobs actually ran for 8k cpu secs. there are 4000 cpu secs 'lost' for each of the 3 jobs before the suspend project / boinc-client shutdown interruption, this is more like a missing statistics update. However, what could be postulated is that rosetta did checkpoint and resumed from the interruption, hence the 3 jobs suggestively completes in 4k cpu secs as the first half of the cpu secs statistics is 'lost'. i.e. if rosetta did not checkpoint, what would have showed up would be 8k cpu secs and the actual total cpu secs would be 12k cpu secs for those jobs

i guess i'd upgrade my boinc-client to see if that'd resolve the issue

note that this has major impact to credits claimed / granted. as the 'lost' cpu secs would suggest that that job can be done in 1/2 the cpu secs (i.e. half of 8 k actual) which is *incorrect*
17) Message boards : RALPH@home bug list : minirosetta beta 3.50-3.52 apps (Message 5757)
Posted 20 Jul 2014 by sgaboinc
checkpoint fail
TC804_symm_hybrid, Rosetta mini 3.52 - linux x64 - boinc client 7.0.36
7 concurrent (same) tasks starts and runs for an hour, reached 25% completion
suspended project, shutdown boinc-client (note, done via boinc-gui)

restarted project, out of the 7 tasks only 1 restarted from 25% completion, the rest of 6 tasks restarted from 0. in effect lost 6 x 1 hours work.

aborted 3 tasks, resume runs on half load 4 tasks

checkpoint preferences set for 60 secs. not sure where's the root cause. (boinc-client, rosetta app, or the parameters used to run the app

e.g. if there are no structures and the session is interrupted that'd effectively means if the task/job is restarted it'd start from zero all over?
hmm, perhaps something to be considered and improved on

i'd think rosetta need to save the state even if no structures are generated esp for such large?/complex? jobs where for that matter there may be no structures (i.e. the run did not find a root/solution/model)

the other thing would be if some jobs hits a 'dead end' (runs for hours without finding solutions, perhaps goes into endless chaotic loops), there'd hence be no structures & no credits would be awarded/claimed?

i'd think participants need to have influence on the max default run time per task, i.e. some participants would not be too happy to crunch perhaps jobs that runs say for 5-6 hours and not find a solution and hence no credits. if this is not possible, then participants may simply need to abort long jobs that goes beyond the 'normal' (say compared to average of all other jobs) durations

another way i'd guess is the necessity to award credits/allow claimed credits to the 'no solution' (no models) runs where after the 'reasonable' timeframe no solutions are found. i guess the max default run time is 6 hours, hence, app developer should consider terminating with credits for such cases.

however, for many participants with a fairly recent cpu that runs somewhat 'fast', after 3-4 hours where there are no solution, the participant may not want to continue the run. hence, participants need to have a 'computing preference' to state that the max default run time preferred is hence say 4 hours.
18) Message boards : RALPH@home bug list : Rosetta Mini Beta 3.53 (Message 5753)
Posted 20 Jul 2014 by sgaboinc
ok i found the app files at

as it turns out on ralph 3.52 and 3.53 beta seemed to be the same files
md5 sum                           app
dcb06f5cf47637f6af2759a40c5b0cdb  minirosetta_3.52_x86_64-pc-linux-gnu
dcb06f5cf47637f6af2759a40c5b0cdb  minirosetta_beta_3.53_x86_64-pc-linux-gnu

and this same version (supposedly beta) is apparently running in 'production' rosetta@home
md5 sum                           app
dcb06f5cf47637f6af2759a40c5b0cdb  ../boinc.bakerlab.org_rosetta/minirosetta_3.52_x86_64-pc-linux-gnu

would admin like to confirm/clarify this?
19) Message boards : RALPH@home bug list : Rosetta Mini Beta 3.53 (Message 5748)
Posted 19 Jul 2014 by sgaboinc
recent 8 tasks on 3.52 completed without errors.
i did a project reset and aborted the next set of tasks (as the 'old' binaries for 3.52 gets downloaded again), note it's not due to any errors.

should my client download 3.53 beta rather than 3.52 as it seemed both versions appear in apps?

it seemed that the current set of tasks downloads the associated 3.52 binary rather than 3.53
20) Message boards : RALPH@home bug list : minirosetta beta 3.50-3.52 apps (Message 5747)
Posted 19 Jul 2014 by sgaboinc
recent 8 tasks on 3.52 completed without errors.
i did a project reset and aborted the next set of tasks, note it's not due to any errors.

should my client download 3.53 beta rather than 3.52 as it seemed both versions appear in apps?

it seemed that the current set of tasks downloads the associated 3.52 binary rather than 3.53

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