Posts by KSMarksPsych

21) Message boards : RALPH@home bug list : Bug reports for 5.49-5.51 (Message 2821)
Posted 4 Mar 2007 by Profile KSMarksPsych


3/4/2007 1:06:14 AM|ralph@home|Starting 1a4d__BOINC_RNA_ABINITIO__1808_2_0
3/4/2007 1:06:14 AM|ralph@home|[cpu_sched] Starting 1a4d__BOINC_RNA_ABINITIO__1808_2_0 (initial)
3/4/2007 1:06:15 AM|ralph@home|[task_debug] task_state=EXECUTING for 1a4d__BOINC_RNA_ABINITIO__1808_2_0 from start
3/4/2007 1:06:15 AM|ralph@home|Starting task 1a4d__BOINC_RNA_ABINITIO__1808_2_0 using rosetta_beta version 550
3/4/2007 1:06:56 AM|ralph@home|[task_debug] Process for 1a4d__BOINC_RNA_ABINITIO__1808_2_0 exited
3/4/2007 1:06:56 AM|ralph@home|[task_debug] task_state=EXITED for 1a4d__BOINC_RNA_ABINITIO__1808_2_0 from handle_exited_app
3/4/2007 1:06:56 AM|ralph@home|Deferring communication for 1 min 0 sec
3/4/2007 1:06:56 AM|ralph@home|Reason: Unrecoverable error for result 1a4d__BOINC_RNA_ABINITIO__1808_2_0 ( - exit code -1073741819 (0xc0000005))
3/4/2007 1:06:56 AM|ralph@home|[task_debug] result state=COMPUTE_ERROR for 1a4d__BOINC_RNA_ABINITIO__1808_2_0 from CS::report_result_error
3/4/2007 1:06:56 AM|ralph@home|[task_debug] Process for 1a4d__BOINC_RNA_ABINITIO__1808_2_0 exited
3/4/2007 1:06:56 AM|ralph@home|[task_debug] exit code -1073741819 (0xc0000005):
3/4/2007 1:06:56 AM|ralph@home|Computation for task 1a4d__BOINC_RNA_ABINITIO__1808_2_0 finished
3/4/2007 1:06:56 AM|ralph@home|Output file 1a4d__BOINC_RNA_ABINITIO__1808_2_0_0 for task 1a4d__BOINC_RNA_ABINITIO__1808_2_0 absent
3/4/2007 1:06:56 AM|ralph@home|[task_debug] result state=COMPUTE_ERROR for 1a4d__BOINC_RNA_ABINITIO__1808_2_0 from CS::app_finished
22) Message boards : RALPH@home bug list : Message boards no longer allowing edit (Message 2736)
Posted 29 Jan 2007 by Profile KSMarksPsych

Thought I was losing my mind last night.
23) Message boards : RALPH@home bug list : Bug Reports for 5.45 (Message 2719)
Posted 28 Jan 2007 by Profile KSMarksPsych
I just successfully completed one WU.

Opened the graphics window and played around rotating the protein.

Using BOINC 5.8.6a. P4 2.8, 512 of RAM, XP Pro.

This WU

[aside]What happened to message editing... or was it never here?[/aside]
24) Message boards : RALPH@home bug list : Bug Reports for 5.45 (Message 2718)
Posted 28 Jan 2007 by Profile KSMarksPsych
I just successfully completed one WU.

Opened the graphics window and played around rotating the protein.

Using BOINC 5.8.6a. P4 2.8, 512 of RAM, XP Pro.
25) Message boards : RALPH@home bug list : Bug reports for Ralph 5.42 and 5.43 (Message 2678)
Posted 16 Jan 2007 by Profile KSMarksPsych
Great, I think I know what the problem is, and I'm sending them back out with the potential fix.

I had a few of these also, they occured over night. They seem to have ran a normal length of time before the error occured.



Hmmm.... I got one of these but not sure when it actually downloaded and ran.
26) Message boards : Number crunching : Multiple Unrecoverable errors (Message 2404)
Posted 13 Oct 2006 by Profile KSMarksPsych
Is that the fun of alpha testing???
27) Message boards : RALPH@home bug list : Bug reports for Ralph 5.30 and 5.31 and 5.32 (Message 2396)
Posted 12 Oct 2006 by Profile KSMarksPsych
This one and this one died before they even got started.

The error is

Incorrect function. (0x1) - exit code 1 (0x1)
ERROR:: Exit at: line:453

28) Message boards : RALPH@home bug list : Bug Report for Ralph 5.29 (Message 2340)
Posted 7 Oct 2006 by Profile KSMarksPsych
Got 2 overnight with the above reported error.

ERROR:: Unable to determine sequence length from pdb file
DONE :: 1 starting structures built 5 (nstruct) times
This process generated 0 decoys from 0 attempts
1 starting pdbs were skipped

BOINC :: Watchdog shutting down...
BOINC :: BOINC support services shutting down...



Errored out in 18 and 20 seconds.
29) Message boards : RALPH@home bug list : Forum bug? (Message 1809)
Posted 10 Jun 2006 by Profile KSMarksPsych
Interesting. This is the only board I've ever seen it on.

Here's the screenshot... finally got it to upload.

Sorry, it's sort of small... put it's the third thread down :)
30) Message boards : RALPH@home bug list : Forum bug? (Message 1797)
Posted 7 Jun 2006 by Profile KSMarksPsych
Different issue on same subject: I now get this trying to get to ralph's home page:
can't read ../cache/65/index.php; lastmod 1149661629

(p.s. yes this also shows up as "in 5 minutes" as I edit it)

[edit - Jun 07 07:30:26 UTC homepage loads again]

I'm glad someone also saw it. I thought I was losing my marbles.
31) Message boards : RALPH@home bug list : Forum bug? (Message 1781)
Posted 6 Jun 2006 by Profile KSMarksPsych
Just checking the forums and I noticed that under the last post column it had (instead of the usual 2 minutes ago or whatever) in 5 minutes.

It was like that on the main forum page and on the topics list.

I have a screenshot saved but I can't get it to upload to photobucket.

If anyone wants to see it, please email me at ksmarkspsych at hotmail dot com (you know what to do with the addy)
32) Message boards : RALPH@home bug list : 4.92 WU errors with \"incorrect function (0x1)\" (Message 848)
Posted 11 Mar 2006 by Profile KSMarksPsych
Just got one of these WUs

<message>Incorrect function. (0x1) - exit code 1 (0x1)
ERROR:: Unable to obtain sequence information.
fasta file must be provided.

Further looking at the WU shows the only other person who has tried to return anything on this WU, has also gotten a client error.

15655 1679 11 Mar 2006 0:30:05 UTC 11 Mar 2006 1:36:46 UTC Over Client error Computing 0.00 0.00 ---
15707 1024 11 Mar 2006 1:37:15 UTC 11 Mar 2006 9:45:04 UTC Over Client error Computing 0.00 0.00 ---
16012 1454 11 Mar 2006 9:45:11 UTC 25 Mar 2006 9:45:11 UTC In Progress Unknown New --- --- ---

Got one too...

This WU
33) Message boards : Feedback : When is it ok to abort a ralph WU? (Message 666)
Posted 26 Feb 2006 by Profile KSMarksPsych
I've noticed new versions of the Ralph application being released rapidly in the last week. This has been to the extent that on several days I've looked at the work tab to see I've got a WU for the new verion pending while I have the previous verion running a WU.

In this situation should I kill the WU for the older version of the app or are the developers still going to get something usefull from it? If it is going to help I don't have a problem with letting it play out (as I have been doing), however if it's nothing but waste then I'd rather kill it and devote the cycles to something that will make use of them.

I think unless you specifically hear from the Dev team (via front page of message boards), then you should probably just keep on crunching the old version.

But this is just a guess on my part.

34) Message boards : Cafe RALPH : (DO NOT POST HERE) This is the Moderators Archive thread (Message 665)
Posted 26 Feb 2006 by Profile KSMarksPsych
Some want red, some want black, some want bold, so maybe everyone will be equally dissatisfied with red-black-bold. :)

(Or maybe you could threaten to use cyan. :p )

It think you are on to something. I will try this for a while and see how it goes. Thanks for the suggestion.

Personally I like indigo

Actually the dark red is much better.
35) Message boards : Cafe RALPH : (DO NOT POST HERE) This is the Moderators Archive thread (Message 602)
Posted 25 Feb 2006 by Profile KSMarksPsych
Can I make a request?

Can you guys stop replying to posts in red? It's really hard to read and there has been at least one person who has said that he is red/green colorblind. So he can't see the text at all.


36) Message boards : Number crunching : Reached daily quota of 2 results (Message 601)
Posted 25 Feb 2006 by Profile KSMarksPsych
Why other computers has daily quota of 5/day and mine has only 2/day? How is this quota determined?

I assume you are talking about this host.

The last three WU returned as errors. For every errored out WU you return, your daily quota goes down by one.

When you successfully return a WU the quota will double (I think) until it reaches the max again.

Check out this page of the Wiki... It's your best friend in the BOINC world :)

37) Message boards : Cafe RALPH : test thread (Message 406)
Posted 21 Feb 2006 by Profile KSMarksPsych
testing testing one two three

A TEST! Oh no! Why didn't anyone tell me there would be a test!

2 x 2 = 4

Is that ok?
38) Message boards : Cafe RALPH : I\'m first! (Message 105)
Posted 17 Feb 2006 by Profile KSMarksPsych
Hi all!

Just signed up. Cool. Happy to help.

And I get to be the first to post on the Cafe board.

Happy crunching.



I signed up too, and cretead the team FaDBeens
However appears that all tests was already done by someone else.
Date Host Project ID Message
2/16/2006 7:56:43 PM carlos.cp3 ralph@home 131 Sending scheduler request to
2/16/2006 7:56:43 PM carlos.cp3 ralph@home 132 Reason: To fetch work
2/16/2006 7:56:43 PM carlos.cp3 ralph@home 133 Requesting 43200 seconds of new work
2/16/2006 7:56:48 PM carlos.cp3 ralph@home 134 Scheduler request to succeeded
2/16/2006 7:56:48 PM carlos.cp3 ralph@home 135 No work from project
2/16/2006 8:00:53 PM carlos.cp3 ralph@home 136 Sending scheduler request to
2/16/2006 8:00:53 PM carlos.cp3 ralph@home 137 Reason: To fetch work
2/16/2006 8:00:53 PM carlos.cp3 ralph@home 138 Requesting 43200 seconds of new work
Date Host Project ID Message
2/16/2006 8:00:58 PM carlos.cp3 ralph@home 140 No work from project

Patience my dear child, patience. This is alpha...

39) Message boards : RALPH@home bug list : Time on the server (Message 41)
Posted 16 Feb 2006 by Profile KSMarksPsych
Also when you post a message it doesn't show the true time of how long ago a message is posted, I just posted one and when I went back to the main forum it said a post had been made 4 mins ago, well its was only like 10 seconds

Edit also done it on this post it reports I posted 4 mins ago

Just posted a message and refreshed the forum page and the post report was 4 minutes.

That was the fastest 4 minutes of my entire life :)

40) Message boards : Cafe RALPH : I\'m first! (Message 40)
Posted 16 Feb 2006 by Profile KSMarksPsych
Hi all!

Just signed up. Cool. Happy to help.

And I get to be the first to post on the Cafe board.

Happy crunching.



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