Application details for host 44594

Rosetta 4.16 x86_64-apple-darwin
Number of tasks completed 190
Max tasks per day 74
Number of tasks today 0
Consecutive valid tasks 24
Average processing rate 11.08 GFLOPS
Average turnaround time 2.12 days
Rosetta 4.17 x86_64-apple-darwin
Number of tasks completed 59
Max tasks per day 84
Number of tasks today 0
Consecutive valid tasks 34
Average processing rate 7.25 GFLOPS
Average turnaround time 1.74 days
Rosetta 4.18 x86_64-apple-darwin
Number of tasks completed 74
Max tasks per day 122
Number of tasks today 0
Consecutive valid tasks 72
Average processing rate 13.89 GFLOPS
Average turnaround time 1.61 days
Rosetta 4.20 x86_64-apple-darwin
Number of tasks completed 2428
Max tasks per day 201
Number of tasks today 0
Consecutive valid tasks 151
Average processing rate 22.22 GFLOPS
Average turnaround time 1.35 days
rosetta python projects 0.19 x86_64-apple-darwin (vbox64)
Number of tasks completed 0
Max tasks per day 50
Number of tasks today 0
Consecutive valid tasks 0
Average turnaround time 0.00 days
rosetta python projects 0.20 x86_64-apple-darwin (vbox64)
Number of tasks completed 1
Max tasks per day 51
Number of tasks today 0
Consecutive valid tasks 1
Average processing rate 22.22 GFLOPS
Average turnaround time 0.31 days
rosetta python projects 0.21 x86_64-apple-darwin (vbox64)
Number of tasks completed 10
Max tasks per day 56
Number of tasks today 0
Consecutive valid tasks 6
Average processing rate 22.22 GFLOPS
Average turnaround time 3.10 days
Rosetta 4.23 x86_64-apple-darwin
Number of tasks completed 0
Max tasks per day 1
Number of tasks today 0
Consecutive valid tasks 0
Average turnaround time 0.00 days
Rosetta 4.24 x86_64-apple-darwin
Number of tasks completed 0
Max tasks per day 35
Number of tasks today 0
Consecutive valid tasks 0
Average turnaround time 0.00 days
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