The Gas Giant

User ID 159
Ralph@home member since 16 Feb 2006
Country Australia
Total credit 1,351
Recent average credit 0.00
Computers View

Projects in which The Gas Giant is participating

Click for user page
Total creditAverage creditSince
Einstein@Home 3,109,569 0 18 Jan 2005
Rosetta@home 58,591 0 20 Sep 2005
PrimeGrid 513,421 0 5 Jan 2009
World Community Grid 424,938 0 29 Jan 2011
SETI@home Beta 1,145 0 15 Jun 2005
SETI@home 2,646,654 0 22 Nov 2001
RALPH@Home 1,350 0 16 Feb 2006
GPUGRID 607,156 0 20 Sep 2008
Cosmology@Home 15,100 0 12 Dec 2007
Enigma@Home 11,378 0 16 Jun 2009
yoyo@home 205 0 12 Jan 2008
MilkyWay@home 240,884,647 0 24 Dec 2007
Moo! Wrapper 5,507 0 24 Jul 2011
Team The Final Front Ear
Message boards 1 posts

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Generated 26 Jul 2024, 23:33:11 UTC