
User ID 378
Ralph@home member since 17 Feb 2006
Country Channel Islands
Total credit 1,934
Recent average credit 0.08
Computers View

Projects in which Wabbit98 is participating

Click for user page
Total creditAverage creditSince
PrimeGrid 17,231,901 45,814 5 Dec 2005
yoyo@home 3,985,735 6,208 10 Aug 2007
RALPH@Home 1,933 0 17 Feb 2006
Gerasim@Home 171 0 16 Feb 2007
Enigma@Home 5,858 0 16 Sep 2007
WUProp@Home 100 0 6 Apr 2010
Moo! Wrapper 18,853,739 0 7 May 2011
Team The Knights Who Say Ni!
Message boards 1 posts

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Generated 27 Jul 2024, 0:44:22 UTC