Team info | |
Description | DRM Protection can protect video and audio from unauthorized viewing and illegal transmission. The main threat to this business is the uncontrolled distribution of such materials on the Internet. Publishers always try to use audio and video protection, and the features should include: prevention of unauthorized use, watermarking, DRM license protection, etc. By using video DRM protection, you can securely encrypt your content files and distribute them to authorized target audiences to protect your video, PDF, and other e-learning content. It's very easy to make your video / audio / picture / pdf invisible to anyone except those you allow. Users can use our encrypted player to play encrypted videos on MacOS and Android. |
Created | 19 Jan 2022 |
Web site | |
Total credit | 0 |
Recent average credit | 0 |
Cross-project stats | Free-DC SETIBZH |
Country | United States |
Type | Primary school |
Members | |
Founder | bestdrm |
New members in last day | 0 |
Total members | 1 (view) |
Active members | 0 (view) |
Members with credit | 0 (view) |
©2025 University of Washington