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Description How to prevent varicose veins? The 6 most important principles Civilization diseases that affect today's societies can be extremely bothersome. In this context, the question of how to prevent varicose veins, which although they are not a very serious problem, can lead to dangerous complications and also significantly hinder everyday functioning, is increasingly asked. Fortunately, during daily practice, doctors found many ways to prevent varicose veins, such as compression tights and appropriate forms of manual therapy. In addition, patients have at their disposal a number of treatments that effectively remove varicose veins once they develop. The skillful combination of available forms of prevention and treatment allows for complete and effective removal of the problem. There is no doubt, however, that prevention is better than cure and the most important thing is to use appropriate prevention, such as compression stockings of the first degree or other degrees, depending on the needs. To avoid varicose veins, there are a few basic rules to follow. 1. Stimulating circulation by physical activity. To understand how to prevent varicose veins, you must first understand why they arise. The main reason is stasis in the veins and blood vessels called capillaries. As a result of prolonged stasis, the blood vessels weaken, and instead of circulating properly, the blood can begin to accumulate in the vessels and even return to the main veins, which causes varicose veins. The best way to prevent varicose veins is to regularly stimulate circulation by exercising, such as walking, running, and light weight training, such as squats. 2. Increasing the elasticity of blood vessels. It is also extremely important to ensure that the blood vessels are strong and flexible. This is influenced not only by stimulation through effort, but also by the availability of nutrients that are necessary for their functioning. It is therefore necessary to provide adequate minerals and vitamins, including mainly vitamin C.
Created 16 Jan 2020
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