User Profiles - Names beginning with S: Page 1 of 12

Last updated 12 Aug 2024, 12:00:12 UTC

StoneLord ("Hi! I am from Slovakia. I like Computers and brass music. That's all. And for all> come...")
sslickerson ("Hello all. My name is Tim and I'm currently a student at the University of Arizona. I'm...")
Shann ("Juste pour pouvoir ĂȘtre UotD... Just to be UotD...")
Simek ("I'm a student from Poland. I very like BOINC and all kind of BOINC Projects. I want to...")
scsimodo ("In 2003 I started distributed computing with SETI classic and switched to BOINC soon after...") ("It's me. I like distributed projects.")
Stefan Ledwina ("My name is Stefan - I found out about SETI in 2005, quickly discovered other BOINC projects...")
Stregus ("I have an uncontrollable urge to join every project. This is my BOINCstats...")
Sharron ("Hiya, I,m almost 36 and live in Central Scotland just outside Glasgow.")
Shane Phillips ("I grew up in Kansas (USA). I love computers, Geocaching ( and my family....")

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