Stefan Ledwina

User ID 246
Ralph@home member since 16 Feb 2006
Country Austria
Total credit 155,221
Recent average credit 0.09
Computers View

Projects in which Stefan Ledwina is participating

Click for user page
Total creditAverage creditSince
Einstein@Home 2,410,973,169 0 23 Oct 2005
yoyo@home 28,467 0 30 Sep 2007
Amicable Numbers 136,723 0 7 Dec 2017
Universe@Home 273,383,333 0 21 Nov 2015
TN-Grid 47,645 0 11 Oct 2017
Asteroids@home 3,768,692 0 5 Sep 2013
Albert@Home 12,150 0 22 Dec 2013
Moo! Wrapper 1,587,596 0 24 Aug 2014
WUProp@Home 184,913 0 10 Nov 2013
Quake Catcher Network 772 0 30 Jul 2008
MilkyWay@home 70,797,367 0 28 Aug 2007
Enigma@Home 4,475 0 10 Sep 2007 526,452 0 28 Oct 2005
Cosmology@Home 4,696,550 0 7 Jun 2007
GPUGRID 135,911,880 0 16 Jul 2007
WEP-M+2 13,712 0 28 Dec 2006
RALPH@Home 155,221 0 16 Feb 2006
SETI@home 420,398 0 23 Oct 2005
SETI@home Beta 6,054 0 7 Dec 2005
World Community Grid 6,169,481 0 22 Nov 2005
PrimeGrid 1,631,790 0 9 Nov 2005
Rosetta@home 3,379,863 0 2 Nov 2005
LHC@home 12,869,374 0 29 Oct 2005
SiDock@home 3,269,647 0 19 Aug 2021
Profile View
Team Gridcoin
Message boards 2 posts
Friends (3)
Morgan the Gold

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Generated 27 Jul 2024, 6:43:37 UTC