
User ID 61316
Ralph@home member since 28 Nov 2020
Country United States
Total credit 114,593
Recent average credit 23.46
Computers View

Projects in which mikey is participating

Click for user page
Total creditAverage creditSince
Amicable Numbers 1,220,861,819 5,951,173 20 Feb 2017
GPUGRID 3,210,248,614 4,865,183 2 Jan 2009
SRBase 1,438,599,587 277,624 29 Apr 2016
PrimeGrid 920,080,929 44,504 17 Mar 2009
DENIS@Home 6,490,931 22,796 5 Jul 2015
Moo! Wrapper 1,843,042,063 8,938 22 Jun 2011
World Community Grid 48,114,553 7,077 10 May 2009
Einstein@Home 1,838,215,088 6,655 22 Jan 2005
NFS@Home 35,367,184 5,012 17 Mar 2016
climateprediction.net 6,110,259 2,516 18 Nov 2018
Ramanujan Machine 1,005,204 1,906 16 Oct 2021
Asteroids@home 32,662,045 1,886 1 Jan 2014
MilkyWay@home 524,010,780 1,043 8 May 2009
CERN CMS-dev 765,430 897 18 Sep 2016
NumberFields@home 16,992,701 810 7 Oct 2011
WUProp@Home 1,799,829 651 20 May 2010
LODA 432,538 601 13 May 2022
Private GFN 17,924,722 598 8 Dec 2020
YAFU 14,706,371 577 13 Apr 2017
iThena CPU 739,700 557 2 Nov 2021
iThena Measurements 1,865,014 469 12 May 2020
yoyo@home 36,089,389 385 12 Nov 2015
Cosmology@Home 8,455,113 372 30 Oct 2012
Rosetta@home 8,879,572 248 5 Jan 2006
LHC@home 4,823,520 171 30 Oct 2011
SiDock@home 10,159,102 139 24 Oct 2020
RakeSearch 6,776,344 71 30 Oct 2017
ODLK1 6,224,318 25 6 May 2018
RALPH@Home 114,592 24 28 Nov 2020
WEP-M+2 3,705,786 13 10 Nov 2015
Gaia@home 827,820 0 26 Feb 2020
mincraft@home 17,983,079 0 28 Jun 2020
Tomas Brada Experimental Grid 1,866,398 0 28 Aug 2019
RNA World 97 0 2 Apr 2017
odlk 6,179,898 0 16 Sep 2017
SETI@home 3,474,603 0 17 Dec 1999
123numbers 363,899 0 5 Feb 2021
Universe@Home 43,128,566 0 4 Apr 2015
TN-Grid 10,381,285 0 28 Nov 2016
Gerasim@Home 78,301,211 0 18 Aug 2010
Albert@Home 4,300,874 0 22 Jan 2005
Enigma@Home 3,484,206 0 13 Sep 2016
SETI@home Beta 2,099 0 19 Dec 2006
Team The Final Front Ear
Message boards 8 posts

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Generated 27 Jul 2024, 2:40:57 UTC