Bug reports for Ralph 5.17-5.19

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Profile Fuzzy Hollynoodles

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Message 1750 - Posted: 2 Jun 2006, 20:33:24 UTC - in response to Message 1749.  

I ran into one of those 'stuck' abrelax wu's overnite:
resid 144202
running ralph 5.19 on my P-M laptop. It showed 100% done at 3:14:58 CPU time, but no activity, screensaver wouldn't come up (blank area only), task manager showed all cycles going to System Idle Process. Suspended acty and re-started Boinc, no-joy. Closed BM and re-started machine, brought it back up, no-joy. Aborted the WU and BM went right back to work. Didn't want to wait ?16hrs? (4x4) to see if it would somehow wake-up and finish on its own!

My experiance with this is that it will always finish within one hour of getting into this mode. If you look at the messages, and see when the WU started, take the minutes and seconds portion (like 5:10:20). When your PC time (wall time) reaches the same minutes and seconds (like 7:10:20), the work unit will complete. I know its weird, but thats what I am seeing.


Yes, this is really weird.

I have one stuck right now: https://ralph.bakerlab.org/workunit.php?wuid=129926

I took this screendump of the BOINC Manager: http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v680/lsh55/Setiweb/Ralph/BOINC_Mgr_Ralph.jpg

And this is the graphic: http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v680/lsh55/Setiweb/Ralph/RalphWU.jpg

This is really weird, the screen is rolling very fast to the left and this "band" is showing at the bottom of the screen.

I'll leave it as it is and see if it will finish as you say at the minute. Else I'll abort it.

And yes, take a look at this log:

6/2/2006 8:08:25 PM|ralph@home|Resuming task t296__CASP7_ABINITIO_SAVE_ALL_OUT_nterm_hom013__613_8_0 using rosetta_beta version 519
6/2/2006 8:08:25 PM|SETI@home|Deferring task 14ja99aa.5585.24832.678406.3.226_0
6/2/2006 8:08:25 PM|ralph@home|Pausing task t296__CASP7_ABINITIO_SAVE_ALL_OUT_nterm_hom013__613_8_0 (removed from memory)


6/2/2006 8:08:44 PM|ralph@home|Restarting task t296__CASP7_ABINITIO_SAVE_ALL_OUT_nterm_hom013__613_8_0 using rosetta_beta version 519
6/2/2006 8:08:45 PM|rosetta@home|Pausing task t296__CASP7_ABINITIO_SAVE_ALL_OUT_nterm_hom002__637_621_1 (removed from memory)


6/2/2006 9:08:46 PM||Rescheduling CPU: application exited
6/2/2006 9:08:46 PM|ralph@home|Computation for task t296__CASP7_ABINITIO_SAVE_ALL_OUT_nterm_hom013__613_8_0 finished
6/2/2006 9:08:46 PM|rosetta@home|Resuming task t296__CASP7_ABINITIO_SAVE_ALL_OUT_nterm_hom002__637_621_1 using rosetta version 516
6/2/2006 9:08:48 PM|ralph@home|Started upload of file t296__CASP7_ABINITIO_SAVE_ALL_OUT_nterm_hom013__613_8_0_0
6/2/2006 9:08:53 PM|ralph@home|Finished upload of file t296__CASP7_ABINITIO_SAVE_ALL_OUT_nterm_hom013__613_8_0_0
6/2/2006 9:08:53 PM|ralph@home|Throughput 7090 bytes/sec

Now, this is weird.

[color=navy][b]"I'm trying to maintain a shred of dignity in this world." - Me[/b][/color]

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Message 1754 - Posted: 3 Jun 2006, 10:26:24 UTC

a latish error report (5.19b)
2/06/2006 7:09:40 AM|ralph@home|Unrecoverable error for result t296__CASP7_ABINITIO_SAVE_ALL_OUT_nterm_hom002__610_7_1 (Incorrect function. (0x1) - exit code 1 (0x1))
ID: 1754 · Report as offensive    Reply Quote
Profile Carlos_Pfitzner

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Message 1760 - Posted: 3 Jun 2006, 22:17:44 UTC

Rosetta_beta_5.19 Windows

This result has freeze. -> CPU 100% IDLE for about 6 hours


*My preference runtime is 1 hour

If I dont abort it, may be, I crunch nothing more, forever !

I have try(ed) rebooting the pc, to no-avail !

By luck this has not occurred on an unmonitored PC at some remote location.
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