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admindub Volunteer moderator Project administrator Project developer
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Joined: 17 Feb 23 Posts: 10 Credit: 0 RAC: 0
Please post issues with Rosetta 4.23 here.
[VENETO] boboviz
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Joined: 9 Apr 08 Posts: 912 Credit: 1,892,541 RAC: 294
Please post issues with Rosetta 4.23 here.
What's new with this version??
P.S. We need more wus to test this app....
[VENETO] boboviz
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Joined: 9 Apr 08 Posts: 912 Credit: 1,892,541 RAC: 294
What's new with this version??
Uh, i had't seen the home page.
Great the introduction of new functionalities!!
P.S. We need more wus to test this app....
Still no wus....
Dirk Broer
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Joined: 7 Aug 14 Posts: 15 Credit: 139,340 RAC: 28
Where's the Wu's?
[VENETO] boboviz
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Joined: 9 Apr 08 Posts: 912 Credit: 1,892,541 RAC: 294
Where's the Wu's?
Maybe they are shy wus...
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Joined: 8 Apr 20 Posts: 1 Credit: 12,634 RAC: 0
I've had received about 175 6.23 workunits and about 125 of these failed to complete (failed roughly a minute into computation) while the remaining 50 completed but apparently failed to validate.
[VENETO] boboviz
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Joined: 9 Apr 08 Posts: 912 Credit: 1,892,541 RAC: 294
My wus have this message at the end of computation (on Win11):
Task nmet_SR2_nmet_test_SAVE_ALL_OUT_16844_112_0 exited with zero status but no 'finished' file
If this happens repeatedly you may need to reset the project.
[VENETO] boboviz
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Joined: 9 Apr 08 Posts: 912 Credit: 1,892,541 RAC: 294
I've had received about 175 6.23 workunits and about 125 of these failed to complete (failed roughly a minute into computation) while the remaining 50 completed but apparently failed to validate.
You have to make public your pc to see error log...
[VENETO] boboviz
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Joined: 9 Apr 08 Posts: 912 Credit: 1,892,541 RAC: 294
the remaining 50 completed but apparently failed to validate.
Is like this failure to validate??
06:31:51 (2224): Can't set up shared mem: -1. Will run in standalone mode.
command: projects/ @nmet_SR2_nmet_test.flags -nstruct 10000 -cpu_run_time 3600 -boinc:max_nstruct 20000 -checkpoint_interval 120 -mute all -database minirosetta_database -in::file::zip -boinc::watchdog -boinc::cpu_run_timeout 36000 -run::rng mt19937 -constant_seed -jran 3754146
Extracting in slot directory:
Using database: database
DONE :: 1 starting structures 3583.98 cpu seconds
This process generated 191 decoys from 191 attempts
BOINC :: WS_max 0
BOINC :: Watchdog shutting down...
07:33:46 (2224): called boinc_finish(0)
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Joined: 4 Nov 10 Posts: 6 Credit: 1,175,574 RAC: 0
État: Tous (158) · En cours (68) · Validation en attente (0) · Validation non concluante (0) · Valide (0) · Invalide (60) · Erreur (30)
Application: All (158) · Rosetta (158) · rosetta python projects (0)
04:40:47 (8468): Can't set up shared mem: -1. Will run in standalone mode.
command: projects/ @nmet_SR2_nmet_test.flags -nstruct 10000 -cpu_run_time 3600 -boinc:max_nstruct 20000 -checkpoint_interval 120 -mute all -database minirosetta_database -in::file::zip -boinc::watchdog -boinc::cpu_run_timeout 36000 -run::rng mt19937 -constant_seed -jran 3754007
Extracting in slot directory:
Using database: database
DONE :: 1 starting structures 7175.84 cpu seconds
This process generated 240 decoys from 240 attempts
BOINC :: WS_max 0
BOINC :: Watchdog shutting down...
06:54:46 (8468): called boinc_finish(0)
[VENETO] boboviz
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Joined: 9 Apr 08 Posts: 912 Credit: 1,892,541 RAC: 294
Some notes:
- nmet2_SR2_ has inconclusive validation (and, sometimes restarts after arrived at conclusion time)
- ralph_SR_hallucinated also inconclusive validation, similar to nmet2_SR2
- test_GALigandDocking_Ralph all errors at the end of calculation:
DONE :: 1 starting structures 3665.38 cpu seconds
This process generated 1 decoys from 1 attempts
BOINC :: WS_max 0
BOINC :: Watchdog shutting down...
08:52:48 (6620): called boinc_finish(0)
<message>upload failure: <file_xfer_error>
<error_code>-240 (stat() failed)</error_code>
Seems there is a lot of work to do for this app....
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Joined: 22 Feb 06 Posts: 18 Credit: 360,436 RAC: 1,901
All of the tasks that I received for this app say that they completed successfully, but had a 100% validation failure.
[VENETO] boboviz
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Joined: 9 Apr 08 Posts: 912 Credit: 1,892,541 RAC: 294
(unknown error) - exit code 3221225477 (0xc0000005)</message>
07:55:33 (3956): Can't set up shared mem: -1. Will run in standalone mode.
command: projects/ @nmet_SR1_design7.2.flags -nstruct 10000 -cpu_run_time 3600 -boinc:max_nstruct 20000 -checkpoint_interval 120 -mute all -database minirosetta_database -in::file::zip -boinc::watchdog -boinc::cpu_run_timeout 36000 -run::rng mt19937 -constant_seed -jran 3753340
Extracting in slot directory:
Using database: database
Unhandled Exception Detected...
- Unhandled Exception Record -
Reason: Access Violation (0xc0000005) at address 0x000001C8A74BD830
Engaging BOINC Windows Runtime Debugger...
- Callstack -
ChildEBP RetAddr Args to Child
c8345bf0 c2d2438c 00000000 c4b12760 c4b12880 00000000 !+0x0 SymFromAddr(): GetLastError = '126' SymGetModuleInfo(): GetLastError = '126' Address = 'a74bd830'
c8345c20 c2d98d32 a67f69b0 c8345cc0 c2d667ac 00000000 rosetta_4.23_windows_x86_64!cppdb::shared_object::safe_sym+0x0 SymFromAddr(): GetLastError = '126' SymGetModuleInfo(): GetLastError = '126' Address = 'c2d2438c'
c8345c50 c475fefe c521a8a0 c835f710 00000000 00000001 rosetta_4.23_windows_x86_64!cppdb::shared_object::safe_sym+0x0 SymFromAddr(): GetLastError = '126' SymGetModuleInfo(): GetLastError = '126' Address = 'c2d98d32'
c8345c80 c2d69b38 c5930334 c1130000 c8345d70 56f00e7b rosetta_4.23_windows_x86_64!cppdb::shared_object::safe_sym+0x0 SymFromAddr(): GetLastError = '126' SymGetModuleInfo(): GetLastError = '126' Address = 'c475fefe'
c8345cf0 56f7241f 00000000 c8346270 c8346930 00000000 rosetta_4.23_windows_x86_64!cppdb::shared_object::safe_sym+0x0 SymFromAddr(): GetLastError = '126' SymGetModuleInfo(): GetLastError = '126' Address = 'c2d69b38'
c8345d20 56f214a4 00000000 c8346270 c8346930 00000000 ntdll!__chkstk+0x0 SymFromAddr(): GetLastError = '126' SymGetModuleInfo(): GetLastError = '126' Address = '56f7241f'
c8346430 56f70f4e a6730000 56efb86b c4b37558 00000001 ntdll!RtlRaiseException+0x0 SymFromAddr(): GetLastError = '126' SymGetModuleInfo(): GetLastError = '126' Address = '56f214a4'
c8346b40 c1760cb1 7efb99c5 a9762498 a9762f98 ffffffff ntdll!KiUserExceptionDispatcher+0x0 SymFromAddr(): GetLastError = '126' SymGetModuleInfo(): GetLastError = '126' Address = '56f70f4e'
c8346b70 c2e25775 00000000 ab1139d0 c4b374a8 aac5bcf0 rosetta_4.23_windows_x86_64!cppdb::backend::driver::connect+0x0 SymFromAddr(): GetLastError = '126' SymGetModuleInfo(): GetLastError = '126' Address = 'c1760cb1'
c8346c90 c2fefc36 a9762498 c48a1430 00000003 a9762198 rosetta_4.23_windows_x86_64!cppdb::shared_object::safe_sym+0x0 SymFromAddr(): GetLastError = '126' SymGetModuleInfo(): GetLastError = '126' Address = 'c2e25775'
c8347360 c2fe93db 00000020 a6730cc0 c83477f0 00000000 rosetta_4.23_windows_x86_64!cppdb::shared_object::safe_sym+0x0 SymFromAddr(): GetLastError = '126' SymGetModuleInfo(): GetLastError = '126' Address = 'c2fefc36'
c8347560 c2fe90f7 00000000 c8347670 c8347738 00000000 rosetta_4.23_windows_x86_64!cppdb::shared_object::safe_sym+0x0 SymFromAddr(): GetLastError = '126' SymGetModuleInfo(): GetLastError = '126' Address = 'c2fe93db'
c83476b0 c2fb1161 00000000 c83477c0 a6ddf710 00000001 rosetta_4.23_windows_x86_64!cppdb::shared_object::safe_sym+0x0 SymFromAddr(): GetLastError = '126' SymGetModuleInfo(): GetLastError = '126' Address = 'c2fe90f7'
c8347a70 c2fb89e2 00000000 00000000 00000000 a6ddf8c0 rosetta_4.23_windows_x86_64!cppdb::shared_object::safe_sym+0x0 SymFromAddr(): GetLastError = '126' SymGetModuleInfo(): GetLastError = '126' Address = 'c2fb1161'
c8348090 c2fb66c1 c83482e8 00000003 a6ddf710 00000003 rosetta_4.23_windows_x86_64!cppdb::shared_object::safe_sym+0x0 SymFromAddr(): GetLastError = '126' SymGetModuleInfo(): GetLastError = '126' Address = 'c2fb89e2'
c83481f0 c2ea616e a6deb870 c8348300 a6deb870 c8348498 rosetta_4.23_windows_x86_64!cppdb::shared_object::safe_sym+0x0 SymFromAddr(): GetLastError = '126' SymGetModuleInfo(): GetLastError = '126' Address = 'c2fb66c1'
c8348340 c2ea9d96 5f626400 c1698da1 a6ddf710 a6ddf710 rosetta_4.23_windows_x86_64!cppdb::shared_object::safe_sym+0x0 SymFromAddr(): GetLastError = '126' SymGetModuleInfo(): GetLastError = '126' Address = 'c2ea616e'
c83483b0 c2ea9d06 a6deb870 c8348498 00000000 a6deb870 rosetta_4.23_windows_x86_64!cppdb::shared_object::safe_sym+0x0 SymFromAddr(): GetLastError = '126' SymGetModuleInfo(): GetLastError = '126' Address = 'c2ea9d96'
c8348450 c2e3005e 00000000 00000000 c4923ab8 c4923ab8 rosetta_4.23_windows_x86_64!cppdb::shared_object::safe_sym+0x0 SymFromAddr(): GetLastError = '126' SymGetModuleInfo(): GetLastError = '126' Address = 'c2ea9d06'
c8348550 c2e2f796 00000000 c4923ab8 00000000 a9cf6330 rosetta_4.23_windows_x86_64!cppdb::shared_object::safe_sym+0x0 SymFromAddr(): GetLastError = '126' SymGetModuleInfo(): GetLastError = '126' Address = 'c2e3005e'
c8348740 c19030d9 c83487e0 c83487e0 00000401 a9cf6330 rosetta_4.23_windows_x86_64!cppdb::shared_object::safe_sym+0x0 SymFromAddr(): GetLastError = '126' SymGetModuleInfo(): GetLastError = '126' Address = 'c2e2f796'
c8348a30 c19066fb 00000000 c8348b40 00000401 ba2e8ba3 rosetta_4.23_windows_x86_64!cppdb::session::is_open+0x0 SymFromAddr(): GetLastError = '126' SymGetModuleInfo(): GetLastError = '126' Address = 'c19030d9'
c8348df0 c18fd7fc 00000050 00000000 ffffffff 00000008 rosetta_4.23_windows_x86_64!cppdb::session::is_open+0x0 SymFromAddr(): GetLastError = '126' SymGetModuleInfo(): GetLastError = '126' Address = 'c19066fb'
c8348e90 c1b7ba59 c8348f40 a6ddf710 c8348fa0 c8349670 rosetta_4.23_windows_x86_64!cppdb::session::is_open+0x0 SymFromAddr(): GetLastError = '126' SymGetModuleInfo(): GetLastError = '126' Address = 'c18fd7fc'
c8349640 c1b7b4bb c8349750 c8349e20 aaea0320 c1910895 rosetta_4.23_windows_x86_64!cppdb::atomic_counter::atomic_counter+0x0 SymFromAddr(): GetLastError = '126' SymGetModuleInfo(): GetLastError = '126' Address = 'c1b7ba59'
c8349690 c1b84fbf c8349750 aaea03f0 c83497a0 a6f68460 rosetta_4.23_windows_x86_64!cppdb::atomic_counter::atomic_counter+0x0 SymFromAddr(): GetLastError = '126' SymGetModuleInfo(): GetLastError = '126' Address = 'c1b7b4bb'
c8349d40 c1b845c5 c8349e20 c1b64aa6 00000018 a7192da0 rosetta_4.23_windows_x86_64!cppdb::atomic_counter::atomic_counter+0x0 SymFromAddr(): GetLastError = '126' SymGetModuleInfo(): GetLastError = '126' Address = 'c1b84fbf'
c8349de0 c1b84671 00000005 c834a440 a6f68460 00000001 rosetta_4.23_windows_x86_64!cppdb::atomic_counter::atomic_counter+0x0 SymFromAddr(): GetLastError = '126' SymGetModuleInfo(): GetLastError = '126' Address = 'c1b845c5'
c8349f70 c16a04f4 c834a038 a7149aa0 a7149aa0 a6fb54e0 rosetta_4.23_windows_x86_64!cppdb::atomic_counter::atomic_counter+0x0 SymFromAddr(): GetLastError = '126' SymGetModuleInfo(): GetLastError = '126' Address = 'c1b84671'
c835f700 c2d667ac 00000000 00000000 a67eab00 00000000 rosetta_4.23_windows_x86_64!cppdb::backend::driver::connect+0x0 SymFromAddr(): GetLastError = '126' SymGetModuleInfo(): GetLastError = '126' Address = 'c16a04f4'
c835f740 54f37614 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 rosetta_4.23_windows_x86_64!cppdb::shared_object::safe_sym+0x0 SymFromAddr(): GetLastError = '126' SymGetModuleInfo(): GetLastError = '126' Address = 'c2d667ac'
c835f770 56f226a1 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 KERNEL32!BaseThreadInitThunk+0x0 SymFromAddr(): GetLastError = '126' SymGetModuleInfo(): GetLastError = '126' Address = '54f37614'
c835f7f0 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ntdll!RtlUserThreadStart+0x0 SymFromAddr(): GetLastError = '126' SymGetModuleInfo(): GetLastError = '126' Address = '56f226a1'
*** Dump of thread ID 32762 (state: Initialized): ***
- Information -
Status: Base Priority: Normal, Priority: Unknown, , Kernel Time: 6.000000, User Time: 0.000000, Wait Time: 2486621696.000000
- Registers -
rax=0000000000000000 rbx=0000000000000000 rcx=0000000000000000 rdx=0000000000000000 rsi=0000000000000000 rdi=0000000000000000
r8=0000000000000000 r9=0000000000000000 r10=0000000000000000 r11=0000000000000000 r12=0000000000000000 r13=0000000000000000
r14=0000000000000000 r15=0000000000000000 rip=0000000000000000 rsp=0000000000000000 rbp=0000000000000000
cs=0000 ss=0000 ds=0000 es=0000 fs=0000 gs=0000 efl=00000000
- Callstack -
ChildEBP RetAddr Args to Child
(-nosymbols- PC == 0)
00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 !0+0x0
*** Debug Message Dump ****
*** Foreground Window Data ***
Window Name :
Window Class :
Window Process ID: 0
Window Thread ID : 0
[VENETO] boboviz
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Joined: 9 Apr 08 Posts: 912 Credit: 1,892,541 RAC: 294
And, still, "test_GALingandDocking" wus validation error...
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Joined: 26 Feb 21 Posts: 22 Credit: 1,893 RAC: 0
Why does every ralph task extract entire database to slot directory?
Rosetta uses shared database in project directory.