Posts by Michael H.W. Weber

1) Message boards : Number crunching : Request: Increase of deadline for Virtualbox-using rosetta python app (Message 7473)
Posted 7 Jan 2024 by Profile Michael H.W. Weber
But i think they do NOT read the forum, so it's like a voice in the desert
I'll try to contact someone by Twitter/X o by mail....

Thanks a lot.

Maybe I should also add that, since the rosetta python app runs in Virtualbox, it appears that BOINC does not have full control over the RAM usage?

When I set maximum RAM usage to 80% in the BOINC manager, the double rosetta python task situation certainly exceeds that.
It seems that BOINC just measures the Virtualbox wrapper's RAM consumption but not what is actually running within that virtual machine. That stuff isn't even listed among the BOINC-related tasks.
Just an idea...

2) Message boards : Number crunching : Request: Increase of deadline for Virtualbox-using rosetta python app (Message 7471)
Posted 6 Jan 2024 by Profile Michael H.W. Weber
Due to the immense disk space and RAM requirements, I would like to ask for an increase of the deadlines of the Virtualbox-using rosetta python tasks.

The base data to run these tasks require approx 11 GB on disk.
On top of that, each single tasks additionally generates around 15 GB of data.
In summary, running a single taks requires at least 26 GB of disk space and each additional work unit will add another 15 GB - with excessive disk I/O, by the way.

Given the fact that running ONLY two tasks of these in parallel will almost entirely occupy the RAM of a 16 GB Windows 10 system making additional multi-tabbed browsing virtually impossible, these tasks on many systems require to be run sequentially to avoid system crashes.

Given the deadline of currently 3 days with a single task taking about 6,5 hrs on an i5-2500K processor, I'd like to suggest a moderate increase in the return deadline for these specific WUs.
Do you think this would be possible?


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