Members of SETI.Germany

NameTotal creditRecent average creditCountry
1) Profile [SG-FC] hl 6,151,358 0.09 Germany
2) Profile [SG-FC] dingdong [Founder] 5,046,648 0.08 Germany
3) Profile taurec 1,783,854 0.09 Germany
4) Rayburner 1,005,965 0.09 Germany
5) Fornax 1,003,879 0.10 Germany
6) [SG]Chillkroete 959,563 0.00 Germany
7) Profile [SG]ATA-Rolf 613,556 27.34 Germany
8) Roadranner 528,888 24.02 Germany
9) Rainer Baumeister 437,267 14.32 Germany
10) Dennis-TW 338,147 0.09 Taiwan
11) Profile aendgraend 330,528 0.10 Germany
12) cpuid 293,783 0.09 Germany
13) [SG]MichaelR. 286,075 0.09 Germany
14) [SGa]HeNiNnG 251,651 0.09 Germany
15) Yeti45 239,440 0.09 Germany
16) anchedo 233,744 0.07 Germany
17) [SG-FC]shka 229,688 0.09 Germany
18) [SG-FC]schilli74 208,452 0.09 Germany
19) coturnix 196,185 0.10 Germany
20) pons66 165,266 0.11 Germany
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