Silver Streak

User ID 2357
Ralph@home member since 11 Dec 2006
Country United States
Total credit 216,369
Recent average credit 0.10
Computers View

Projects in which Silver Streak is participating

Click for user page
Total creditAverage creditSince
Rosetta@home 54,736 0 11 Jun 2006
PrimeGrid 3,105,621 0 13 Dec 2006
SETI@home Beta 711,507 0 11 Jun 2006
SETI@home 826,866 0 14 May 2003
RALPH@Home 216,368 0 11 Dec 2006
GPUGRID 741,550 0 16 Mar 2013
MilkyWay@home 179,051 0 27 Mar 2013
WUProp@Home 29,288 0 5 Mar 2013
Moo! Wrapper 58,896 0 18 Mar 2013
Profile View
Message boards 5 posts
Friends (2)
Duke of Buckingham SETI.USA

©2024 University of Washington

Generated 22 Oct 2024, 16:04:49 UTC