The official alpha test project for Rosetta@home

By simply running a free program, you can help advance research in medicine, clean energy, and materials science.

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How does it work?

Ralph@home is the official alpha test project for Rosetta@home. New application versions, work units, and updates in general will be tested here before being used for production on Rosetta@home. The goal for Ralph@home is to improve Rosetta@home.

Please consider the following before deciding to join Ralph@home:

  • Since this project is a testing environment, applications and work units may be unstable at times.
  • Credits and other competitive statistics do not mean anything in this test project. Credits may be lost due to instabilities and may be reset at any time for testing.
  • There will not be a continual flow of work units. Work units will be issued only when necessary for testing.
  • We urge participants to not abort work units to help with testing.
Please join us in our efforts!

Follow us on Twitter: @rosettaathome

Ralph@home and Rosetta@home are not for profit.

User of the Day

User profile Profile Contact
"I am proud to be a human being. I believe that we have come this far by the skin of our teeth. That we always make it just by the skin of our...
As of 26 Jul 2024, 23:00:03 UTC [ Scheduler running ]
Total queued jobs: 0
In progress: 0
Successes last 24h: 0
Users (last day ): 5,605 (+1)
Hosts (last day ): 23,824 (+10)
Credits last 24h : 0
Total credits : 179,596,465
TeraFLOPS estimate: 0.000


New application: RoseTTAFold All-Atom
Starting this week, we will begin testing RoseTTAFold All-Atom, our state-of-the-art application designed to predict the structures of proteins in complex with ligands such as DNA and other biological molecules. It also models post-translational modifications. We are initially targeting only Windows machines with or without Nvidia GPUs for this test. Please report any issues in the discussion thread here:
21 May 2024, 23:49:48 UTC · Discuss

Rosetta version 4.27 released for testing
The Rosetta application has been updated to include fixes to the GALigandDock protocol. Please report any issues in the discussion thread here:
16 Sep 2023, 2:29:02 UTC · Discuss

Rosetta version 4.24 released for testing
The Rosetta application has been updated to fix bugs that we have observed from 4.23. Please report any issue in the discussion thread here:
28 Mar 2023, 6:15:41 UTC · Discuss

Rosetta version 4.23 released for testing
The Rosetta application has been updated to include a protocol named GALigandDock that will be used to screen an ultra-large library of small molecules for drug discovery. Please report any issue in the discussion thread here:
10 Mar 2023, 22:16:18 UTC · Discuss

Scheduler update for more accurate job cache
We updated the scheduler to use the optional user defined cpu run time preference for the estimated run time. Hopefully this should produce a more accurate job cache. Please post issues regarding this updae in the discussion.
2 May 2020, 20:04:35 UTC · Discuss

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